SAP-Configuration (SC)

SAP-Configuration (SC)

In order to configure communication between SAP and tia Scan please make sure to configure tia Scan within SAP as described here.

Open your SAP GUI and switch to the ArchiveLink: Application Maintenance (Transaction: OAA4).

SAP GUI with opened “ArchiveLink: Application Maintenance” / OAA4-Transaction and highlighted New-Button


Please define within this transaction a new Application named KGS_SCAN by pressing the New-button and filling out the opened form.

Filled form with Application “KGS_SCAN”

Confirm the entry to close the dialog.

Open the Windows SAPGUI: OLE automation-dialogue by double-clicking the new line.

Within this dialogue please open the function Archive from Fronted by double-clicking on it.

“Windows SAPGUI: OLE automation” with highlighted “Archive from Frontend”-dialogue

By double-clicking on the Archive from Frontend-function, you’ll be presented with a dialog, which allows you to define the command and its parameters.

Please make sure that the content of the Application-field is KGSOLEBRIDGE.SAPSCAN.

You may enter the parameters as described here:








ScanDocument @URL,@DTI,@AID





After entering the necessary parameters you may close the modal by pressing the Back-button and after that store the changes by clicking the Floppy-Disk-symbol.

“Archive from Frontend”-modal



In case you wish to connect your KGS Scan client to a repository, please use the transaction OAC0 and double-click the desired repository.

OAC0-Screenshot of repository MH with highlighted “Protocol KGS_SCAN”




This screenshot shows the details of a content repository (in this example: MH). The active protocol is KGS_SCAN.

Please open the “ArchiveLink: Communications Interface Administration“ by entering the transaction OAA3 and double-click the selected protocol (in this example: KGS_SCAN).

Overview of the “ArchiveLink: Communications Interface Administration“ with highlighted protocol “KGS_SCAN”



Double-click the protocol in order to open the overview for the protocol dialogue “ArchiveLink Protocols: Overview of Protocol”.

Open within the protocol overview the frontend dialog by double-clicking the “Archive from frontend“-function.

“ArchiveLink Protocols: Overview of Protocol“-dialogue




Please double-click the document class you wish to connect (typically classes are TIF or PDF) and link it to the “KGS_SCAN“-application.

“Archive from frontend“-dialogue with chosen TIF-document class.



Dialogue to link a document class to an application




Please open now the transaction OAC2 in order to create the document type, to which the scanned documents will be allocated to.

Please note: It’s important to add a description, which will be shown in the selection window of SAP archive dialogs because no selection will be displayed unless a description has been defined.

After that go to the transaction OAC3 in order to link the previously defined document type to the desired SAP business object type as well as a content repository.

After performing these steps tia Scan is prepared for operation with the chosen content repository.

Hint: In order to utilize this scenario first open KGS Scan, select a corresponding profile and execute the OAWD-SAP-transaction.