Interaction with KGS ScanServer (SC)

Interaction with KGS ScanServer (SC)

KGS Scan also supports the interaction with the KGS ScanServer which not only allows you to store and distribute scan profiles from one source, but also allows you to manage your license keys from one place.

Scanserver Service

During the setup of KGS Scan a data transfer service called KGS Scan Transfer is being installed on the ocal machine.

Screenshot of the “KGS Scan Transfer” service which has been installed during the setup of KGS Scan.

By default this service is set to start automatically. Please ensure that this services has been assigned all authorizations required to read and write to the file system ( C:\ProgrammData\KGS Scan\Transfer and C:\ProgrammData\KGS Scan ). These requirements are fulfilled if the service is automatically launched as Local System. In case you launch this service as another user you have to ensure that the user has the needed access authorizations.

Files are transferred in encrypted format to the scan server URL which has been configure in scan client. By default the KGS Scan Transfer service will write log files set to Info level to C:\ProgramData\KGS Scan\TransferServiceLog\TransferService.Log.

This logfile follows a structure like this.

<Log level>::<Timestamp> - <Current user> - <Message type> - <Queue name> - <Index fields (separated by semicolon)> - <Transfer status (HTTP status code)>


INFO::01.12.2020 15:30:42 - m.hesch document transfer: Queue:WithoutOCR FI;CC97201D779D1EDB8CFC333734AA765D 0200

You may also change the depth of logging from the KGS Scan Transfer service by opening the Services → KGS Scan Transfer → Double click → KGS Scan Transfer Properties and entering in the option Start parameters the value debug. This will increase the output of the scan transfer service.

Please note: You’ll have to stop and start the service in order for the changes to be applied.

Please note also: In case you’re launching the service from the service overview the Start parameters are not being applied.