Scan Client Options (SC)

Scan Client Options (SC)

Within the Scan Client Options menu you may define a connection to a KGS ScanServer instance, change the language of scan client, define some parameters regarding OLE Export / SAP Logging, as well as customize the user interface of KGS Scan.

In order to open the Options menu please click in the top-left corner on the dark blue menu and in the submenu click on Options.


This will open the Options menu of KGS Scan which allows you to customize the user interface, set the language being used for the menus in KGS Scan as well as other client specific options.

Scan Options - General

Within the General options you may define a connection to a KGS ScanServer instance, as well as define session handling and automatic indexing.

Option name



Profile Server

When ticking the checkbox Profile Server and providing a valid URL to a KGS ScanServer instance, scan client will use the connection in order to retrieve (and in case you’re a profile administrator) and store scan profiles.


License Server

When ticking the checkbox License Server and providing a valid URL to a KGS ScanServer instance, scan client will retrieve the required license from the scan server (if the user using scan client is allowed and has been assigned with a valid license).



Within the field Server you may provide an URL which points to a KGS ScanServer instance.

syntax: http://server:port/path

e.g. http://localhost:8080/KGSAdmin-SCAN/scanserver


Test Connection

The button Test Connection allows you to check whether scan client is able to communicate with the scan server which has been defined in the field Server.

In case scan client was able to communicate with the instance, you’ll receive a success message, in case scan client wasn’t able to communicate with the scan server instance, you’ll receive an error message.

Please note: It’s always good practice to test a connection in order to make sure that scan client is able to communicate with the scan server instance.


Always show profile group selection for profile admins

If you select this check box, ScanClient will always display the profile group selection when started by a ProfileAdmin.


Enable Auto Indexer (after Scan)

Ticking this checkbox will enable the Auto Indexer, scan client try to automatically fill the defined index fields after the scanning process is completed.


Save Working State (after Closing)

When enabling the option Save Working State scan client will store all documents that have not yet been processed locally. Locally stored documents are automatically loaded the next time scan client is being launched.

Please note: In case you’re using multiple profile groups and / or multiple profiles scan client will only load the documents that had been scanned with that specific profile in the specific profile group which had been used when the scanning took place.


Save Indexframe State (after Closing)

The option Save Indexframe State allows scan client to store information regarding the index panel (closed or open). In case for example the index panel was opened the last time you closed the scan client, it will be opened again the next time you launch the program again.


Scan Options - Language

Within the Language options menu you may define which language is being used by KGS ScanClient when displaying menus, buttons and items.

The following language options are supported.

  • Auto Detection → Depending on your system settings, scan client will decide whether it should display the user interface in German or in English.

  • English → Regardless of your system settings scan client will always display options, buttons and menus in English language.

  • German → Regardless of your system settings scan client will always display options, buttons and menus in German language.

Scan Options - SAP

In case you’re using KGS Scan together with SAP you may define the following options depending on your needs.

Option name



Minimize (OLE Export)

Enabling the option Minimize scan client will be minimized after a successful SAP OLE export.


SAP OLE Logging

The combobox SAP OLE Logging allows you to define the log level being used for writing log entries regarding SAP OLE.

The following options are available.

  • None → OLE will not be logged.

  • Error → Only errors regarding OLE will be logged.

  • Warning → Errors and warnings regarding OLE will be logged.

  • Info → Errors, warnings and information regarding OLE will be logged.

  • Debug → Will write all previously mentioned information regarding OLE as well as debug information.


SAP Timeout

Depending on the network and location it might take some time for OLE requests until they reach your SAP system.

This option declines further scan requests until this timeout is reached. You need to make sure that your network and SAP system is fast enough to process sequential requests from scan client.

You may define the timeout (in milliseconds) with the parameter SAP Timeout.



Scan Options - GUI Customizing

The section GUI Customizing allows you to change various font sizes as well as the size of thumbnail preview images.

You may change the following font sizes.

  • Index field name (field label)

  • Index field value (value box)

  • Document name

By expanding the corresponding category in the tree view, selecting the field which’s font size you want to change and adjusting the slider below you may change the font size which suits best your needs.

Please note: Changes done to the font sizes will be applied immediately.

In order to change the size of the thumbnail images you may either select on of the three predefined values or provide a custom value by using the option User Defined

Please note: KGS Scan will calculate the height and width in relation to the scanned document.



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