KGS Scan - Admin Manual - Options - Indexchaining

KGS Scan - Admin Manual - Options - Indexchaining



Indexfield Type „Value-List“ should be dependent on selected values of other Index fields. As a result a hierarchie or chaining of dependent comboboxes is created.



This is the first field in the chain and automatically filled by SAP function module. It cannot define a chain element. Autostart is only selectable when no chain element is selected.


Chain element

It defines the dependency to another index field of type value list. The dependency is based on a selected value from a SAP-Prefill-Definion. A referenced value list cannot be deleted.


SAP Prefill

The parameter SAP-Prefill-properties are „SAP-Prefill“, „Prefill-FB“ und „Parameter“. These parameter control the selection of the value list. The fill the select options is the function modul in sap called after a scan is performed. THe function modul has to return a simple list with a string. Key valuie paires are seperated by blanc. „003 T1“, „T_ABR – 3. Abrechnung“



The value list is shown as combobox. The select options are from result list from SAP function modul. Inital value is the first result.

Entries are changable by selection.

Save and load session

Entries in comboboxes and current selection is saved in the session. During loading of a session no reloading from AP is triggered.



1.3.1         Configuration

A field of type”Text” can be declared as SAP Quick search. The parameter SAP Quick Search and Parameter needs to be configured. The search field can be used for chaned elements. Details in the next chapter.


During and before a scan process ScanClient is using the value from the textbox to call quick search against SAP. Search is triggered after initalising of the value chain or after scan with “Enter”-Key.

Starting with the first value list, an attempt is now made to find and select an element whose key corresponds either to the value of the text box, a value derived by convention or that of the function module return value. The selection is along the value list hierarchie. Example: In quicksearch is the text “070” entered. The value derived by convention is 007. The function module returned T_VER – 2. Vertrag …“, therefore is in the first chain element (master with autostart) an entry with key “T_VER“ selected. All entries in the downstream value list are new created with the values from SAP-Prefill. After that the quick search is triggered. In this case it is “007” because there is o entry with key “T_VER“. The last chain element is positioned as selected value because neither “007“ nor “T_VER“ is part of a key.


Save and load session

Saving a session also saves the last value of the quicksearch. The quicksearch is next time triggered when “Enter“ is pressed.  



Texfields can be declared as personalnumber field. There are some requirements agains SAP:

·         A function modul „ZPADE_EPA_IXOS_SEARCH_PERNR“ to search for personalnumbers

·         A function modul „ZPADE_EPA_IXOS_CHECK_PERNR“to validate personalnumbers

·         the windows username must be known on SAP. It is used to validate permissions in both function modulkes.

Configuration of the personalnumber is like “SAP-Prefill“ with conventions to prevent error on the configuration view.



Personalnumber is represented as two textboxes and a combobox. First textbox contains the value of the indexfield. Second one the personalnumbersearch with a character string (e.g. first an last name or first.lastname, etc…). In the combobox are all possible options selectable. THe personalnumber can be entered in the textfield or selected by the combobox. Validation is done by a regular expression (e.g. check for 8 digits) and then by function modul ZPADE_EPA_IXOS_CHECK_PERNR.

Save and load session

Saving and loading the session is like a regular textfield. Only the personalnumber itself is saved. All intermediate results are discarded.


Export and Indexing with Chain elements

Documents can be exported with a combined index.


Documents can be exported with a combined index coming from indexfields in “SAP Linking“. The Indexfieldtype have new options:


Fixed value that is before the combined entry. THis value will not change during scan.


All values of each referenced index value can be concatinated by a sseperator or without: (e.g. “v1;v2;v3” or “v1v2v3“).

Validation function module and import parameter

A function modul can be used to validate the concatenated value. The validation is optional.


Indexfield selection

In the index table can “text“, “value-list“ and “date” fields selected that will be usede for combined index.

The order of the fields can be changed and determines the order of the concatenated values.



After scanns the chained value will be shown as text field. Changes in the referenced fields lead to an update of the concatenated text.


Barcode export

SAP Linking can be used to export a chained index field to a SAP system. Prerequisite is a configured contentserver connection.



After scan the export button can be used to send it to SAP and tontentserver.


After the export the Profile overview is shown.

Exported documents are visible in the table BDS_BAR_EX.


Save and load session

Saving and loading of a chained field is like a regular textfield. Changes are only mage if a referenced field has changes.


Scaning and archiving an existing Barcode

It ispossible to scan an already existing Barcode, fill further indexfields and use a chained value for “SAP-Linking“.


An allocation table is used to split with regexs a Barcode seperator field. Text, value list or Date fields can be filled. An empty regex will not fill the field.


Is a Document scan for the first time is the vale of the barcode seperator extracted and will be processed. For the processing are the allocation table and all in it referenced indexfields responsible. All regex will be used agains the value and the text is extracted and fill in the associated fields. this will only happen when there is no barcode for the document.


Save and load session

The scanned batcode is aved along with the document like a textfield. On loading it behaves like a normal text field.


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