Options - Image Processing (SC)
The Image Processing-tab provides you with various options for software-based image processing.
On the left-hand side, you’ll find the list of available options. On the right-hand side, you’ll find the options that you selected.
Option name | Description |
Barcode Detection | When selecting the Barcode Detection-option KGS Scan will do a software-based barcode detection. Please note: It’s recommended to only enable barcodes that are being used in your scenarios. The number of enabled barcodes for detection might decrease the overall performance of KGS Scan. |
Black Border Removal | When selecting the Black Border Removal-option KGS Scan will look for black borders on the edges of the scanned documents and remove those. |
Blank Page Removal | When the option Blank Page Removal has been selected KGS Scan will look for blank pages during the scanning process and remove these. |
Color Detection | The Color Detection-option allows KGS Scan to define whether a document should be saved in color mode or as a black and white page. Enabling this option might help you to reduce the size of the actually saved document. |
Deskew | KGS Scan will straighten out images which, for example, were not properly aligned during the feeding/scanning process, when Deskew-option is selected. |
Fixed Rotation | You may use this processing option to rotate the image after the scanning process. |
Noise Removal | In case you selected the Noise Removal-option KGS Scan will attempt to reduce the optical noise by using software algorithms. This process mainly focuses on removing single unwanted black pixels from the document. |
Page Removal | The Page Removal-option allows you to define regular expressions that identity pages with specific barcodes that should be removed during the scanning process. Please note: This option requires the identification of barcodes on a scanned page. |
Remove Punch Holes | When enabling the Remove Punch Holes-option, KGS Scan will try to identify punch holes on scanned documents by using some software algorithms and remove those from the scanned documents. |
In addition to the image processing options, you may also be able to open an additional dialogue that allows you to set additional parameters of the selected option in the Selected-list.
You may open the additional option dialogue by clicking on the Configure …-button below the Available-list.
Additional configuration options for Barcode Detection
Option name | Type | Description | Possible values |
Industrial 2 of 5 | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the Industrial 2 of 5-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
Matrix 2 of 5 | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following Matrix 2 of 5-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
Interleaved 2 of 5 | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the Interleaved 2 of 5-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
Iata 2 of 5 | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the Iata 2 of 5-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
Datalogic 2 of 5 | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the Datalogic 2 of 5-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
Codabar | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the Codabar-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
BCD Matrix | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the BCD Matrix-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
Inverted 2 of 5 | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the Inverted 2 of 5-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
Code 39 | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the Code 39-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
Code 128 | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the Code 128-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
Code 93 | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the Code 93-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
EAN 8 | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the EAN 8-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
EAN 13 | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the EAN 13-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
UPCE | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the UPCE-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
UPCA | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the UPCA-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
UPCA Extended | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the UPCA Extended-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
PDF 417 | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the PDF 417-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
Data Matrix 2D | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the Data Matrix 2d-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
QR Code 2D | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the QR Code 2D-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
Micro QR Code 2D | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the Micro QR Code 2D-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
Aztec 2D | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes following the Aztec 2D-standard. | Ticked / Unticked |
best Speed | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes at a higher speed resulting in shorter processing time. | Ticked / Unticked |
best Quality | Checkbox | When ticked, KGS Scan will look for barcodes at a lower speed but with higher precision. | Ticked / Unticked |
Allow Duplicates | Checkbox | If a page contains multiple identical barcodes, all of them will be recognized. This option is mainly used in combination with the Barcode Table-index field. | Ticked / Unticked |
Regular Expression - Filter | Textbox | Within this textbox, you may define the regex-pattern, which will be matched against the found barcode/-s. | Regular Expressions |
Regular Expression - Test | Textbox | You may enter strings in order to check the given regular expression against an actual sample. A green background color means, that the given sample matches the given regular expression. An orange background color means, that the given sample didn’t match with the given regular expression. | Regular Expressions |
Delete unmatched | Checkbox | If the software detects invalid barcodes (declared as invalid by providing a regular expression), they’ll be deleted. | Ticked / Unticked |
Warn on Duplicates | Checkbox | Using this option will mark any duplicates that appeared on an overview page after each scan and recognition of barcodes on the documents. This option applies to the entire batch, e.g. to all scanned pages. Please note: As each new barcode has to be compared to every previously scanned barcode the processing load grows exponentially with the number of barcodes detected. This might slow down the scanning process. | Ticked / Unticked |
Additional configuration options for Black Border Removal
Option name | Type | Description | Possible values |
Threshold (%) | Floating Point Number | Here you may define a threshold in percent. | All between 0.0 and 100.0 |
Additional configuration options for Blank Page Removal
Option name | Type | Description | Possible values |
Threshold (%) | Floating Point Number | Here you may define a threshold in percent. Please note: In most cases, the value should be between 99.5 % and 99.8 % | All between 0.0 and 100.0 |
Additional configuration options for Fixed Rotation
Option name | Type | Description | Possible values |
90 ° CW | Radio button | When setting the rotation parameter to this option, every scanned page will be rotated by 90 degrees clockwise. | Checked / Unchecked |
180 ° | Radio button | When setting the rotation parameter to this option, every scanned page will be rotated by 180 degrees clockwise. | Checked / Unchecked |
90 ° CCW | Radio button | When setting the rotation parameter to this option, every scanned page will be rotated by 90 degrees counter-clockwise. | Checked / Unchecked |
Additional configuration options for Page Removal
Option name | Type | Description | Possible values |
Trigger | Combobox | With this Combobox, you may define a trigger which will lead to a check and a page removal in case of a matching condition | Barcode |
Regular Expression - Filter | Textbox | Within this textbox, you may define the regex-pattern, which will be matched against the found barcode/-s. | Regular Expressions |
Regular Expression - Test | Textbox | You may enter strings in order to check the given regular expression against an actual sample. A green background color means, that the given sample matches the given regular expression. An orange background color means, that the given sample didn’t match with the given regular expression. | Regular Expressions |