Licensing (SC)

Licensing (SC)

After successfully installing the tia Scan you may immediately launch and use the application. Thirteen days after the initial installation, you’ll be required to add a valid license key in order to continue to use the tia Scan application.

In case no valid license key is being obtained after that thirteen days period the functionality of the tia Scan will be restricted (in particular: TWAIN connectivity, image processing (e.g.: barcode recognition), etc.).

You may request a permanent license key via our official License Request Form. Please don’t forget to add your site code to the request form.

You may find the site code within the tia Scan application by opening the “About …“-window.

Highlighted “About …”-menu within KGS Scan application


Within that window, you’ll find information like the installed version, the expiration date as well as the site code and a button to enter a new license key you received from KGS.

Highlighted site code in sample “About KGS Scan”-window

In case you’re operating a tia Scan Server with active license management you won’t have to change/enter the license key locally. It will be retrieved from the tia Scan Server.


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