SharePoint Connect Frontend configuration (SPC)

SharePoint Connect Frontend configuration (SPC)


SharePoint Connect allows document library based configurations. You can individually activate or deactivate the archiving functionality.

This configuration page targets site admins, administrators or responsible persons not user of SharePoint sites.

SharePoint Connect is based on Instances, an Instance is a summary of configurations. One instance can be one repository but multiple instances can use the same repository with different settings.

In your SharePoint Site you find under “Sites“ the Connector Configuration:


The configuration here allows different settings:


The Main App Configuration allows you to configure the default instance.

Single libraries can be activated or deactivated by clicking on the blue activation Icon. SharePoint saves the state for already archived documents. Even when changing the configuration here, archived documents can still be accessed.

The Path(Prefix) controls where in the archive the file is stored. This is important when you have multiple instances that point all to the same repository but you want to have different folders for the files to store them separated.

Minimum document age in hours is a configuration for automatic archiving. The documents needs to be this old in hours bevor it is automatically archived.

New libraries are disabled by default.

Excluded Extensions

Under the “Site Contens“ in the SharePoint Site is the list “Excluded Extensions“ available. There is the configuration for Files extentions that should not be archived.

In the default Configuration the following types are excluded and should not be included because the archiving of these file types is not allowed:

  • aspx

  • url

  • xml

  • json

Make sure you enter only the extension without the leading dot. (e.g xlsx not .xslsx).

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