Database (SCAN)

Database (SCAN)

The Database tab contains the configuration parameter for the database being used to monitor the whole ScanServer.

By default, KGS ScanServer will use the H2 database which is being shipped with KGS ScanServer.

In case you require to use an external database, you may define the following parameters to your needs.

For an Oracle database, please see the following article .






Here you may enter the URL which will be used in order to connect to the database.

Please note: When left blank, KGS ScanServer will use the internal H2 database.



Here you may enter the user which will be used in order to connect to the external database.

Please note: When left blank, KGS ScanServer will use the internal H2 database.



Here you may enter the password associated with the user which will be used in order to connect to the external database.

DB Min Connections


Here you may define the minimal amount of opened connections to the database.



Here you may define the maximal amount of connections to the database that might be used simultaneously.

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