Using the KGS Application Framework Web Console (WebGUI)

Using the KGS Application Framework Web Console (WebGUI)

To use & configure our server components you can use our provided WebGUI.

Access the WebGUI

An URL to visit it can look like this: http://localhost:8080/KGSAdmin-CS/

The URL has the following parts:

ProtocolThe protocol over which you access your webserver. http or https
Server addressThe ip address or hostname of your webserver.
PortThe port to access your webserver. Usually 8080 for http and 8443 for https
ServletThe name of the installed servlet. For a Tomcat webserver installation that would be the directory name under "webapps".

The following prompt uses the loginname admin and the password admin in default.

Changing default login

To change the default login go to "OSGi → Configuration → Application Framework Management Console"

Change the values for User Name and/or Password and apply with Save.

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