Installation (SCAN)

Installation (SCAN)

KGS ScanServer is being shipped as a web archive container (WAR file). The specific installation procedure depends on the web server being used and might differ from the procedures described below.

Installation via Tomcat-Web-UI

In order to install KGS ScanServer via Tomcat itself, please open Tomcat’s Web Application Manager. Click on the button Choose File in order to open a file picker. Choose the downloaded KGS ScanServer-WAR-file and press the Ok-button.

After choosing the file, please click on the Deploy-button in order to start the deployment process.

Opened “Web Application Manager” from Tomcat-web server with highlighted buttons.

Installation via Tomcat-Auto-Deploy

In case you did not deactivate it, you may also use Tomcat’s automatic deployment method to deploy KGS ScanServer.

In order to do so, please copy the downloaded WAR-file to <Your Tomcat installation directory>/webapps.

Tomcat will then automatically unpack and deploy the WAR file.