Create a ShareLink

Create a ShareLink

A ShareLink with tia® Connect is a direct link to a document in the archive. It is unique and requires the recipient to be authorized by a Microsoft Account to see the document.

A folder or a selection of documents cannot be shared by a single share link.

A share link is for single recipient and not for reuse.

The authorization requirement can be disabled by SharePoint web site administrator.


  1. Click the document and select Share.

Alternatively, click Share option from the context menu (open by right-mouse-button-click).


A dialog box opens to specify the sharing options.

  1.  Specify the Expiration Date of the share link. After that date, the link will not be valid anymore.

  2. Click the Create Link button

The ShareLink field in the dialog is updated.

  1. Click Copy Link button

Alternatively, select the complete text in the ShareLink field and press Ctrl-C.

The share link is now copied into the Windows Clipboard.



Open ShareLink as recipient


  1. Click the ShareLink

Alternatively, copy the link text into the address bar of the web browser.

The web browser opens and displays a Microsoft Account sign in form.

  1. Log in with valid credentials

The document referenced by the ShareLink is loaded from archive and displayed.

The document is not displayed, in case the ShareLink is already expired.


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