Document Notes (Vc)

Document Notes (Vc)

You may enter text-based comments to a docment or display existing documents notes by clicking the “Document Note”-button.

Highlighted “Document Note”-icon



If there are already existing notes which had been saved to the document H5 Viewer will indicate this with a green bar above the “Document Note”-symbol.

“Document Note”-icon with indicator that there are saved Document Notes




By clicking on the “Document Note”-icon a smaller window will be opened within H5 Viewer which will display already existing document notes as well as allow you to add new document notes.

Document Notes may no longer be altered after you or other users have saved them, but you may add new document notes anytime.

In addition to the entered text H5 Viewer will also save a timestamp as well as the user’s SAP user name.

Area / Option in Document Note window



Area to display already existing saved document notes with saved timestamp (username has been obfusicated).


Area to enter a new document note (timestamp and username will be added automatically after clicking the “Add” or “Add & Close”-button


By clicking the “Add”-button the text entered in the text area will be added to the list of document notes.

By clicking the “Add & Close”-button the entered text will also be added, but in addition to that the “Document Note”-window will be closed.