Searching within documents (Vc)

Searching within documents (Vc)

By clicking the magnifier you may search for a word, a string, numbers or other characters within the opened document. However this functionality is only available for documents that have been saved in a way to support the search for text. Non-editable documents such as those created through scanning generally don’t support the option to search for specific strings in it.

Opened search bar in H5 Viewer


Unknown Attachment


Use the magnifying lens icon to search the document. This function is, however, only available for documents that can be searched. Non-editable documents, such as those created through scanning etc., are generally not searchable.

Search-menu bar item



You may start searching within a document (that is searchable) by starting to enter the word, number or text you’re looking for.


By pressing the left-arrow-button you may jump to the previous found result of the string you entered.


By pressing the right-arrow-button you may jump to the next found result.


By clicking the “Highlight all”-button H5 Viewer will highlight every match of the string found in the document.

A pink highlighted word indicates a match.

The green highlighted word indicates the current position in the matches result list (which you may wander through by clicking the arrow-buttons described above).


When enabling the “Match case”-option you may control whether uppercase characters are being ignored or not, which may result in a different number of search-results.


By ticking the “Whole words”-option H5 Viewer will start looking for the entered text explicitly.


H5 Viewer will show you the number of matches of a word or string found within the documents.