Zoom levels (Vc)

Zoom levels (Vc)

You may increase or decrease the zoom level depending on your needs with the zoom level menu.

Zoom menu



You may decrease the current zoom level by clicking the “-”-button.


The zoom level might be increased by clicking the “+”-button.


You may also choose from a variety of differnt zoom levels of your choice from the list.


When opening a document H5 Viewer will by default open the document with the “Automatic Zoom” option causing the system to automatically calculate the best zoom factor based on the chosen resolution as well as the size of browser window.


“Actual Size” zoom level will display the document in it’s original i.e.: with a zoom factor of 100 %


“Page Fit” zoom causes the document to be displayed in a way so that a pages takes the full height of the document window space availabe


The zoom factor “Page Width” will display the document across the full width of the document window.


You may also find a variety of numbered scaling factors.