Sidebar (Vc)

Sidebar (Vc)

You may open or hide the sidebar by clicking the highlighted sidebar icon.

When opening the the side, you’ll see by default a list of thumbnails of every page the document contains.

Depending on the availability you may also choose to display the document structure, attachments as well as a history of changes done to the annotations related to this document.

The document structure indicates the document’s sections much like a table of contents. You can immediately jump to any section by clicking the respective entry, which therefore essentially acts as a link.

In case that the document contains attachments you may download a attachment by clicking on the name within the attachments list.

Thumbnail preview

Document structure

Document attachments

History of annotation changes





The green line above the thumbnail indicates that annotations exist on the page related to the displayed thumbnail.

If some of the buttons displayed in this manual are not existing when you open a document they might have been disabled by one of your server administrators.

The server administrator may also configure the KGS Viewer to automatically show the opened sidebar by default whenever a document has been opened by the user.