Configuration of Index Download (KeyExport)

Configuration of Index Download (KeyExport)

The KeyExport feature enables the KGS ContentServer to hand over SAP metadata to the partner SAPALink enabled DMS. It provides additional keys for the specified archived document. The keylist contains meta-data information about the corresponding SAP Object and offers the opportunity to map this information to the document for a DMS based search functionality. All modules involved in the document storage process are able to activate the KeyExport functionality of the ContentServer.


To enable this functionality the following requirements have to be met:

  • SAPALink function DocumentKeySet has to be implemented by the DMS vendor
  • Parameters of KGS ContentServer have to be set up
  • A function module for the attributes determination has to be implemented on the SAP System


KGS ContentServer

Since this is an optional function, a license key is required to enable it. Please refer to our homepage to request a key.

To enter the key please follow the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Main KGS ContentServer4ArchiveLink.
  2. Click Edit Configuration and go to the "License" tab.
  3. Enter the license key into the field "IndexLicenseKey".

To enable the functionality the following parameters have to be configured. Please refer to the ContentServer documentation for further details tia® Content Server (classic)

  1. Click Edit Configuration and go to the "Index Export" tab.
  2. Enter the name of the desired SAP function module, e.g. Z_KGSKEYEXP_ATTR. This remote function has to be available in the desired SAP system.
  3. The BarcodeTimer (in seconds) must be of positive value.

The corresponding Content Repository needs to be enabled for IndexExport.

  1. Go to Server Status > Edit the corresponding Content Repository > Tab "Index Export". Select the value internal and Save.

To connect to a SAP system some SAP native libraries needs to be installed. This library, called SAP JCo, needs to be provisioned by the customer. See Install SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo).

  1. To configure the connection go to Main > KGS SAP Connector.
  2. Create a SAP Connector instance and enter the nessecary paramters. Please get in contact with your SAP Support.
  3. Test the connectivity. The lights must show the green light.

Finally you need to link the created SAP Connection instance to the KGS ContentServer.

  1. Go to Main > KGS ContentServer4ArchiveLink.
  2. Click Edit Configuration and go to the "RFC" tab.
  3. Select the desired SAP Connector instance name.

Check the IndexExport configuration of the Content Server.

  1. Go to Main > KGS ContentServer4ArchiveLink.
  2. Check the result of the status page.

SAP Remote Function

On the SAP side the remote function Z_KGSKEYEXP_ATTR is responsable to select the key values that are to be reindexed to the already archived documents.

This function will be called by the Content Server for every document that comes through the http ArchiveLink interface and is to be stored in one of the Content Repositories that are defined with the parameter “Index Export”.

SAP Customizing for KGS Index Export

Run SAP transaction ZKGS_ATTR_ACTIVE

Set the global flag "Activate" and save the settings.

The ArchiveLink Customizing (OAC2 and OAC3) is necessary.

Run SAP transaction OAC2

Run SAP transaction OAC3

Run SAP transaction ZKGS_ATTR_CMAIN

BUS2012 is the Object Type.

ZMMABLIEF is the AL Doc.type.

DMS-PUR-1 is optional. The Category can be used for attribute classification by the DMS .

The "Active" flag set the customizing active.

The function module Z_KGS_ATTR_SCEN_10 is a customer function module that determine the attributes for the purchase order.

Test the Index Export

Run SAP transaction ME23N

Then System > Services for Object

Double click on "Store business document"

Then mark "Incoming Order Confirmation" and select the pdf file (Drag & Drop)


The document is archived to the purchase order.

On Content Server side the attributes are stored in the file <YYYYMMDD.txt> of the <...\Index\successful> folder.

The attributes will be processed by the DMS system using the method DocumentKeySet.

SAP Event-driven index download

The index download can be triggered by SAP events. To intercept a SAP event, you have to specify the receiver function Z_KGSKEYEXP_ATTR_REC for this event in transaction SWETYPV.

Please make sure that the event (which you want to intercept) is activated (for details see SAP documentation).

Run SAP transaction ZKGS_ATTR_ACTIVE

Do not set the global flag "Activate" and save the settings.

Run SAP transaction SWETYPV

In the AL Scenario “storing for subsequent entry”, the event “IMAGE ASSIGNED” is triggered when the link between the SAP business object and the image has taken place.

To intercept this event as a trigger for providing the index data, please proceed as follows:

Run SAP transaction OAG1

Test the Index Export

Run SAP transaction ME23N

Then System > Services for Object

Double click on "Store business document"

Then mark "Incoming Order Confirmation" and select the pdf file (Drag & Drop)


The document is archived to the purchase order.

On Content Server side the attributes are stored in the file <YYYYMMDD.txt> of the <...\Index\successful> folder.

The attributes will be processed by the DMS system using the method DocumentKeySet.

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