Install SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo)

Install SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo)

The following installation example is for an Apache Tomcat Webserver

For a guide to download the SAP JCo please refer to this article: Download SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo)

Please note: In order to use the SAP Jco-library in a Microsoft Windows environment it's necessary to provide Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013.

SAP Explicit name the 2013 Version, so its absolutly necessary to use Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013. See:


Prepare JCo


Please copy the sapjco3.dll and sapjco3.jar to any folder, which the webserver can use.


Please copy the libsapjco3.so and sapjco3.jar to any folder, which the webserver can use.

Generate Bridge bundle


Go to Main → KGS SAP Connector

Go in the Configuration Editor and configure the absolute path to the requested files, you copied earlier.

(example: /opt/jco/sapjco.jar - filename and extension must be included!)

Go to Bride Status and click on Generate Bridge

The status should switch to running.

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