Download SAP .NET Connector (SAP NCo)


Please note: In order to use the SAP NCo-library in a Microsoft Windows environment it's necessary to provide Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 or newer + Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2010.

To use the KGS ScanClient together with a SAP system you need to download and install the SAP NCo library.

The library can be downloaded here:

Required is version or newer. Please ensure that you install the 32 bit variant.

SAP NCO 3.1 is supported by tia® Scan since version


You need a user for the "SAP Support Portal" to download the libraries


After you downloaded the 32 Bit-Setup you have a zip-File with following Content:

For versions older 3.1:

Please execute the .msi-File "NCo[versionNr]_Net40_x86.msi


For version 3.1 or newer:

Please execute the .exe-File "SapNCox86Setup.exe


Select a Path (or use the default) where you want to install the libraries:



in the next window ("Optional setup steps") please select "None" (this is important. Otherwise, the libraries are not copied into the destination).


After finishing the Setup, the libraries you need are located in the path you selected. Per default it's:

For versions older 3.1:

C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP_DotNetConnector3_Net40_x86


For version 3.1 or newer:






You now can continue with following article:


Install SAP .NET Connector (SAP NCo)