iCAS Windows-based via SMB

iCAS Windows-based via SMB

With Core of tia 2.2.2 support for Icas was verified. 2.6.0 introduced a new ContentService ICAS.
It is based on Splitfilesystem Version 2 and offers support for Icas hardwarelock for time based rentention (on day base, hours will be ignored). Legal-Holds are not supported.

Netapp v3 is implemented since tia core 3.5. It is based on SFS v3.

Configurationparameter for repository.cfg


<repoName>.contentservice.type=icas <repoName>.contentservice.icas.root = C:/DEV/cs/storage_autodigit_sfs #<repoName>.contentservice.icas.ContrepInPath = #default: false #<repoName>.contentservice.icas.RetriesFolderCreate = #default: 3 #<repoName>.contentservice.icas.FreeDiscSpace = #default:0