Meta Service

Meta Service

The tia core Meta Service provides functions for managing metadata. According to the CMIS specification there are predefined standard properties describing documents. Next to the standard CMIS properties additional properties are defined according to the CMIS model of Secondary Types. The definition of Secondary Types may be driven by following sources:

  • kgs tia Core

  • SAP

  • Customer

Metadata are used to search for documents and to store information, which will be available even without the origin system (e.g. SAP). The Metadata Service stores its data in a relational database (MSSQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, H2) or in indexes of an object storage (Elasticsearch).

The Configuration Service defines how the Metadata Service will work. The Metadata Service is generally mandatory when using tia Core with CMIS, because an metadata-index is used to find and retrieve documents. However, Meta Service should also be activated when using tia core with tia saphttp or as a bundle in tia OSGi content server for SAP Archivelink protocol. Only when using tia Core with SAPALINK or as a proxy, then the Metadata Service would not be required.