Volume Measurement and Storage Configuration
tia® Content Server Core takes track of archive usage (so called volume data, which refers to the differential increase since last transfer) and storage configuration. It stores it for each repository in a separate directory in the repository root folder. The volume data is stored with digital signature.
The tia® Content Server requires full control over this directory, which includes reading, writing, modification, and deletion.
In case, the repository is mapped to a WORM (write-once-read-many)-storage, read Repositories on WORM storage.
Information about volume archived is required for the billing process. For production systems, this information must be periodically sent to kgs. The tia® Content Server Core two options for sending this information:
An overview of the data transfered is available here: Explanation of volume export data.
When automatic transfer is activated, the tia® Status UI can be user to display volume information, which refers to the aggregated volume data sent to kgs server. Read more here tia® Status User-Interface | Show volume measurement.
Volume measurement is not available with content service kgsstore (accessing legacy storage created by tia® Content Server Classic, for more information see kgsstore ).
Regarding questions or troubleshooting on Volume Measurement, read more here: Volume Measurement - FAQ and Troubleshooting.