



The content service type kgsstore is used to access a historical ArchiveLink dataset via the tia Content Server Core.

The storage configuration is the same as in tia Classic environment:

Just specify in repository.cfg file the parameter kgsstore.configfile with the location of the storage configuration (storage.cfg) of the tia classic environment.

For more information on the available parameters within the storage.cfg, refer to the following tia Classic documentation: tia® Store (EN)


If no metadata is needed for this data area, this setup does not require any migration.

This content service type is only supported as read-only for the historical ArchiveLink dataset.

To store new documents e.g. via the CMIS interface a tia Proxy configuration is required, for more information see the following link: tia Proxy .

Configuration example

A configuration example for tia Proxy with kgsstore as proxy.secondary content service can be found here: tia Proxy.




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