Instance profile configuration in AWS

Instance profile configuration in AWS

First of all you need an account with AWS. After the registration is completed log in with your account.

After that, the following configurations are made in AWS:

  1. Create new S3 bucket

  2. Create new IAM role for access management of EC2 instance to S3 buckets

  3. Configure EC2 security group for incoming access rules to the Core of tia application

  4. Create EC2 instance for running a Core of tia application

  5. Open connection from PuTTY to EC2 instance

Create S3 bucket

A bucket with default configuration is created.

When a name for the bucket has been entered, the creation can be completed at the bottom of the page.

Create IAM role

To allow this bucket to be used by our core of tia instance without any additional credentials, we create an access management role.

With this rule, full access to S3 buckets is given. This rule can also be adjusted afterwards.

Create EC2 security group

Now the EC2 instance is configured in which the Core of tia application will run.

A security group is created to secure the access from the outside.

This setting allows access via SSH, HTTP and HTTPS from your own IP address. This setting and still be adjusted afterwards.

Create EC2 instance

Now the actual EC2 instance for Core of tia is created.

This downloaded file is needed for login to the server via SSH, for example.

Here the previously created security group is selected.

Here the previously created IAM access role is selected.

After that, the creation can be completed at the bottom of the page.

By clicking on the instance, the public IP DNS can be viewed after starting the instance. This can be used to access the instance.

Open connection with PuTTY


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