DR4 - Prolog - Tab

DR4 - Prolog - Tab

Within the Prolog tab you may define parameters necessary for DocumentRouter to find and use a prolog.

A prolog is an implementation inside a Java-Class residing in a jar file. The prolog mainly is before document router actions take place. In addition a prolog offers the opportunity to define a post action. The post action is called after all document router actions are done. Please consider the restrictions of epilogues in the following section .

These actions allow you e.g. to reformat or change index data retrieved from an external source so it can be processed inside your existing workflows.

In case your workflows require one or more prolog classes you may ask KGS. We’ll gladly help you realize the functionality required by your workflows.

If you want use prologues, you need to provide the following parameters within the Prolog tab.

Parameter Name



Default Value

Parameter Name



Default Value



Within the field PrologClass you may provide a Java class name, with the initialization parameters in brackets, separated by a comma ( , ). Input files for the Prolog class will be gathered by KGS DocumentRouter through the parameter PrologFileFilter and handed over one by one to the Prolog class.

Example: KGSCold(param1,param2,param3)

Depending on your prolog it’s also possible to use a configuration file as a parameter.

Example: KGSCold( C:\PrologConfiguration\config.ini )




The file extension used for input files which shall be handed over to the Prolog class may be defined in the field PrologFileFilter. The files matching the filter working like a trigger.

Example: .pro




In order to find the implementation, DocumentRouter needs the location, where it can find the prolog implementing classes.

E.g. /opt/tomcat/prologs/MyExampleProlog.jar




If checked and the configured prolog is not deleting its trigger file, it will be marked as error. This will cause move/delete of this trigger file and so avoid an endless loop.

If unchecked the prolog can skip a trigger file in order to handle it later.


Prolog - Epilog - Restrictions

Epilogs are part of the prolog implementation. How prologues are implemented ask a

If you use epilogues with tia core or you update from tia classic content server to tia core contentserver, the DR can’t do anymore Late Locking.

Late Locking where a concept where the document router was locking explicit the document after executing the epilog. So, in case the epilog fails, the document router was able to roll back and store the document together with its index file into the error folder.

Late Locking is not supported anymore by tia core content server. Instead it locks automatically by its own and it supports Delayed Retention. This means you can configure inside repository.cfg that the locking will be done delayed. So the document router has the possibility to delete documents inside of this period.

This is only working for software lock. Hardware lock isn’t supported.

Configuration of Delayed Retention / Delayed Locking in tia core contentserver


Configuration of document router for delayed locking

  • inside document router in tab Archiving the lock flag has to be false

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