Example - using docker container run

Example - using docker container run

docker container run command (respective the alias docker run) can be used to start tia Content Server Core from OS shell.

While quickly to use for test system, the command line can become very long and difficult to handle. For production systems docker compose files are better to maintain. See Example - Using docker compose file .


Template of docker run command for copy & paste:

docker run --name <Name> -p <Hostport>:<Containerport> -v data_volume:/temp/data -v <License Folder>:/application/config/license/ -v <Config Folder>/repository.cfg:/application/config/repository.cfg -e LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT=<Loglevel> -e WEBAPP_SECURITY_AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD="<BcryptHash>" -d <Image>



docker run --name tiacore-AL -p 8080:8080 -v data_volume:/temp/data -v ./tiacore/license:/application/config/license/ -v ./tiacore/repository.cfg:/application/config/repository.cfg -e LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT=INFO -e WEBAPP_SECURITY_AUTH_BASIC_USERNAME=admin -e WEBAPP_SECURITY_AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD="\$2a\$10\$5E1KpGIKSq6xuWmGf92bheB17V0l4fEMnVmYPqhWiazKddcx1TF/e" -d images.docker.kgs-cloud.de/tia/core/saphttp:latest

The environment variable WEBAPP_SECURITY_AUTH_TYPE is set to basic by default. Therefore it is not required to be set in this example explicitly.

Explanation of docker run command:

The parameter -p maps ports, and -v volumes (directories or files) between host and container. -e sets environmental variables in the container.

Using -v allows to store data like configuration permanently at host, edit, maintain it there, even when the container is started, destroyed and restarted again.