Repository-wide settings
Repository-wide settings are configured for each repository separately in the repository.cfg
There are a few global configuration parameters in this file while most configuration is for each repository separately. For these, the parameter names always starts with the repository name.
For more details on parameters names see Syntax rules for repository.cfg file .
Parameters for repositories relate to a service. These parameters are documented here Services (tC) .
Global parameters in the repository.cfg file
Repository list
The parameter repositoryfactory.repositorylist
contains a list of all repository names.
repositoryfactory.repositorylist = repo001,repo002,repo003,repo004,repo005
Note: When activating Multi-Tenant-Support, the repository names include the tenant name they are linked to. See Multitenancy .
Repository Description
With the description parameter you can give the repository a description that is visible in the status webapp.
see tia® Status User-Interface
Configuration templates
The parameter repositoryfactory.templatelist
can be used to provide a list of template configurations for repositories.
repositoryfactory.templatelist = FI_REPOS, MM_REPOS
Then using the template name, parameters can be configured for it:
By the repository parameter <repository name>.template
, these template can be configured for a specific repository.