DR4 - Common - Tab
Within the Common-tab of DocumentRouter you may define the behavior of an actual DocumentRouter instance
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
StartAutomatically | Checkbox | You may wish that a DocumentRouter instance automatically starts for examle after restarting the web server on which the KGS DocumentRouter has been installed on. In that case you need to check this checkbox, so that DocumentRouter automatically starts the processing as soon as the bundles is up and running. Checked = The instance of DocumentRouter will automatically be started after KGS DocumentRouter is up and running Unchecked = The instance has to be started manually. | Unchecked |
ConnectionListFile | String | Within the field ConnectionListFile you may provide the name of the configuration file that contains the list of connections to the archiving systems. | Empty |
WorkDirectory | String | DocumentRouter might create temporary files while processing the documents within the input directory. With the parameter WorkDirectory you may define where DocumentRouter stores temporary files. E.g.: /opt/tomcat/documentrouter_workingdirectories/ It’s important, that DocumentRouter has read and write access to this directory and it has to exists. | <Webapp-Installation-Directory>/work/documentrouter/DocumentRouter.<Instance-Name> |
ConfigDirectory | String | DocumentRouter allows you to put all the instance configuration files into separate directories. In order to find the configuration files of a specific instance you may provide in the parameter ConfigDirectory the path leading to the configuration files of a specific instance. E.g.: /opt/documentrouter_configurations/deliveryorderimporter | <Webapp-Installation-Directory>/conf |
LogDirectory | String | DocumentRouter will create a log file per instance which includes information like errors that occured during processing the documents within the input directory. With the parameter LogDirectory you may control, where DocumentRouter stores the generated log files. E.g.: /opt/documentrouterlogs/ It’s important, that DocumentRouter has read and write access to this directory and it has to exists. | <Webapp-Installation-Directory>/log |
LogFilename | String | The parameter LogFilename allows you to define the name and extension of the log file that will be generated by DocumentRouter. E.g.: DeliveryOrderImporter.log | Empty |
Debug | Integer | With the Debug parameter you may define the level of information being logged by KGS DocumentRouter. The following levels are being supported. 0 = No information except for error messages and alive messages will be logged. 1 = Debug information as well as error messages and alive messages will be written to the LogFile. 2 = Debug information will be written to the LogFile as well as the console. | Empty (→ 0) |
KeepLogfileDays | Integer | Within the field KeepLogfileDays you may define a number of days. DocumentRouter will split the log file into daily logs and keeps the number of defined daily logs as specified. Log files older than the defined amount of days will be removed by DocumentRouter. E.g.: 30 (Will keep one month of log files before removing those older than 30 days). | Empty (→ 0) |
InputSortMode | DropDown | InputSortMode allows you to define which documents within the input directory shall be processed first. The following values are supported. 0 → Documents will be processed as they occur within the file system 1 → Documents will be processed starting with the oldest modification date first. 2 → The newest documents (modification date) will be processed first. 3 → Documents with the oldest creation date shall be processed first. 4 → Documents with the newest creation date shall be processed first. | Filesystem order |
SAPALinkInterface | DropDown | With the parameter SAPALinkInterface you may define whether communication between the OMS connector and the DMS is based on KGS SAPALINK interface. Spezifies how the DocumentRouter communicates with the DMS.
More information can be found in DR4 - SAP Connections | SAP Connections for archiving | ArchiveLink |
DocumentDirectory | String | The parameter DocumentDirectory defines which directory will be watched for input data. Index, document or prolog trigger files are expected there. E.g.: /opt/documentrouter_input/deliveryorders | Empty |
SubDirs | Integer | In case the input does have a structure with subdirectories coupling together image, index and Prolog files you may change the behavior how DocumentRouter scans the input directory for these kind of files by setting the parameter SubDirs. The following values are supported.
| 0 |
MaxFileFetch | Integer | Using the parameter MaxFileFetch allows you to limit the number of input files fetched at once per cycle. The default is 50. Valid range: 1..N Don’t set it to high. It cause a slow instant stop performance and high memory usage. | 50 |
NoDocTypeForSAPLink | Checkbox | The parameter NoDocTypeForSAPLink defines how mime types of the image file shall be handled.
| Unchecked |
UseSAPMimeTypes | Integer | When enabling the parameter UseSAPMimeTypes DocumentRouter won’t determine the mime type for the archived document itselfs, but rather look up within the SAP system defined through the BCSAPxxx-connection-parameters which mime type the archived document has. The mime type values are being taken from the SAP table TOADD. | 0 |
RestrictFilesize | Integer | With the parameter RestrictFileSize you may create the restriction that only files of a configured size in bytes are to be archived. Smaler files are skipped. Example: 0 → Files of zero byte data length will not be archived. | Empty (Unrestricted) |
CheckHash | Checkbox | Depending on your scenario and needs you may wish to make sure that files are archived are the same as in DocumentRouter input folder. The DocumentRouter calculates hash before sending to DMS and compares it with the hash retrieved by the DMS after archiving.
When enabling this parameter and moveOnError is set as well as refineErrorDir, DocumentRouter will create the directories CompExistsNoHash and CompExistsHashError in error case. Within the directory CompExistsNoHash documents with components will be placed for which no hash value was generated. In the directory CompExistsHashError components will be placed for which there has been a mismatch between the generated hash value and the retrieved one. | Unchecked |
SetAccesDateOnMove | Checkbox | The parameter SetAccessDateOnMove defines the behavior of DocumentRouter whether it should change the last access date of the index and image files when moving them either to the Succes or Failure directory.
| Checked |
MoveOnOKUnique | Checkbox | In case you enabled the parameter MoveOnOK, DocumentRouter will move the files from the DocumentDirectory to a Success directory. If files of the same name already exist, they’d be overwritten. The parameter MoveOnOKUnique prevents this by creating unique sub directories within the Success directory and moving the files there.
| Unchecked |
MoveOnError | Checkbox | With the parameter MoveOnError you can control, whether DocumentRouter shall move documents and index files to a Failure directory created within the DocumentDirectory when processing of the document fails.
| Checked |
MoveRename | Checkbox | Meanwhile MoveOn…Unique moves to subfolders, MoveRename causes destination file renaming if there is already a file with same name existing. The renaming scheme is realized like in MS Windows. e.g.: MyFileName.txt => MyFileName(1).txt related : DEV-1483 | Checked |
RefineErrorDir | Checkbox | If checked, documents causing errors inside Failure folder will be sorted into sub folders according its error type. | Unchecked |
MoveOnErrorUnique | Checkbox | In case you enabled the parameter MoveOnError, DocumentRouter will move the files from the DocumentDirectory to a Failure directory. If files of the same name already exist, they’d be overwritten. The parameter MoveOnOKUnique prevents this by creating unique sub directories within the Success directory and moving the files there.
| Unchecked |
MoveOnOK | Checkbox | With the parameter MoveOnOK you can control, whether DocumentRouter shall move documents and index files to a Success directory created within the DocumentDirectory when processing of the document wasn’t successful.
| Unchecked |
KeepSavefileDays | Integer | You can control with the parameter KeepSavefileDay how long DocumentRouter shall keep files in the Success directory for the amount of days defined in it. Files older than the defined amount of days will be reorganized (and deleted) after the start-up of DocumentRouter and after the first move of files to the Success directory after midnight. The following values are supported.
You may enter any positive number of days. | 0 |
IgnoreDuplicates | Checkbox | It’s possible that a document ID already contains a component of the same name in the archive. With the parameter IgnoreDuplicates you can control, whether this fact is being treated as an error or not.
This functionality is only available in case KGS ContentServer4Storage is being used as the archiving system or the KGS SAPALink Interface is being used directly. | Unchecked |
CleanupOnError | Checkbox | It’s possible that only part of the proccessing fails (e.g.: document could be archived, but linking to SAP fails). These circumstances would lead to a document existing within the archive, but you wouldn’t be able to read it via SAP. With the parameter CleanupOnError DocumentRouter will try to remove any component in the archive that might have been created during the processing of that specific document.
In case your archiving system uses retention periods and enforces them immediately after the archiving, DocumentRouter might not be able in cleaning up documents and that will lead to errors during processing. Therefore it is possible to deactivate this behavior by this flag. | Unchecked |
ConversionMode | Integer | You may switch the parameter ConversionMode to 1 in case your’re using IBM OnDemand input files which shall be parsed by DocumentRouter.
| 0 |
TranslateUNICODE | DropDown | Determines how DocumentRouter reads index files. These encodings can be configured:
| UTF-8 |
DisableCharsetDetection | Checkbox |
| Unchecked |
ImageFileCheck | Checkbox | DocumentRouter will check whether image files are accessible or not before processing them.
| Unchecked |
ShortGUID | Checkbox | With the parameter ShortGUID you can control the length of the document IDs created by DocumentRouter.
| Unchecked |
IndexSkipLineStartsWith | String | The parameter IndexSkipLineStartsWith allows you to define lines within the index files starting with words or characters, that shall be skipped. (Comment lines) | Empty |
TriggerByCommandfile | String | In case you’re using command files you may want to make sure, that DocumentRouter only archives documents for which a command file exists. The file has to follow this naming convention. <Same prefix of the sub directory where index file resides in><Name>.<SUFFIX>. The suffix is the config value. e.g. triggering index file is named “myfile.idx“ and this config value is “rdy”, then a file named “myfile.rdy” is required to execute. If the rdy file is missing the routing execution is skipped for this round. | Empty |
DescriptionFileFilter | String | Within the field DescriptionFileFilter you may provide a list of extensions, separated by a semikolon ( ; ) which defines the extension of the index files. E.g.:
| Empty |
DataInterface | String | The parameter DataInterface defines which interface definition has to be used from schema definition file. | Empty |
DataInterfaceDefFile | String | The field DataInterfaceDefFile should contain the name of the configuration file which contains the different DataInterface configurations. (schema definition file) E.g.: ImportSchema.conf The file has to reside within the configuration directory defined by the parameter ConfigDirectory. | Empty |
DocumentFileExtension | String | In case a document file isn’t specifierd by index file, you may provide a list of document file extensions separated by a semikolon ( ; ) which help DR to finde corresponding document file. | Empty |
DocumentMimetype | String | Defining the parameter DocumentMimetype allows you to control which input format DocumentRouter will use for the document files. In case it’s left empty the document mime type will be determined by the extension of the document file. E.g.:
| Empty |
| String | Allows to specify a regular expression that works as a whitelisting filter. If this field contains content, only documents with matching base filenames (e.g. Invoice42.pdf) will be processed. For example the regular expression Documentation of the syntax can be found here: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.base/java/util/regex/Pattern.html | Empty |
ArchivDocIDRegExCheck | String | Allows to specify a regular expression that works as a whitelisting filter. In scenarios where document IDs are externally supplied, this field allows to filter processing by matching the document ID to this regular expression. Documents will only be processed if the supplied document ID matches this expression. Documentation of the syntax can be found here: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.base/java/util/regex/Pattern.html | Empty |
FailureRetry | Integer | Using the parameter FailureRetry allows you to define the number of attempts DocumentRouter does repeating the processing of an input file before it marks a document file as a failure and moves it to the Failure directory or deletes it. | 5 |
DirNotificationMark | Integer | DocumentRouter has the ability to send an e-mail when a certain number of documents were moved to the Failure directory. This mail will only be send once and the next alert e-mail will only be issued under the following conditions.
In order to allow DocumentRouter to send this warning e-mail, please configure the SMTP tab and KGS SMTP Connector plugin. | 0 |
ProcessTimer | Integer | With the parameter ProcessTimer you may define a processing cycle in seconds after which DocumentRouter checks the input directory for new input files to process. This wait time is only applied if no matching prolog or index files were found in current cycle. E.g.: 60 → DocumentRouter will check after every minute whether there are new input files within the DocumentDirectory Setting this parameter to a very high value might result in a longer waiting time in case you’re trying to stop the DocumentRouter instance. | 20 |
Repositories | String | Within the Repositories field you may provide a list of all SAP content repositories that are going to be connected to DocumentRouter. Each repository has to be separated by a comma ( , ). In case the SAP system ID is provided within the index data the content repositories can be defined specifically for a single SAP system. This is useful in case repositories of the same name but in different SAP systems should be used. E.g.: FI,SD,CO,HR It’s also possible to add the SAP system ID to that definition. In that case the system ID has to be added after an underscore to the content repository. E.g.: T1, FI_SAPSYS1, HR_SAPSYS2 | Empty |
BarcodeDetect | Integer | You may enable the barcode detection by providing the sum of one or more possible combinations of barcodes in order to let DocumentRouter do a barcode detection from image files. Right now the following image file formats are supported.
Barcode detection is only supported on Windows based platforms. You may either add the number corresponding to the barcode listed below or a sum of two or more barcodes making DocumentRouter look for these in the image file.
The barcode detection requires an external library, which you may request from our sales department. | 0 |
BarcodeBatch | Integer | When using the barcode feature of DocumentRouter you may define the actual behavior using the parameter BarcodeBatch. The following values are supported.
| 0 |
RepositoryMappingFile | String | Depending on your scenario it might be necessary to reroute between old and new content repositories. If you have defined a repository mapping file you may enter the name of that file in here, so that DocumentRouter remaps the content repositories internally. | Empty |
EncodeSchemaPwd | Checkbox | When you’re entering a password in the field EncodeSchemaPwd DocumentRouter shall encrypt the passwords provided within the SID Mapping file. | Unchecked |
UserMimeTypes | String | Within the field UserMimeTypes you may provide a list of document types which will be mapped against mime types. | Empty |
Multipart memoryprocessing max size per file | Integer | Sets the size threshold beyond which files are written directly to disk. Value in byte. If the uploaded file is smaller than this limit it will be hold in memory and can take advantage of in memory processing. | 2147483647 (in bytes → 2GB) |