REST examples (Browser Binding)

REST examples (Browser Binding)

Example to query ArchiveLink repositories:

The interface allows data to be retrieved and set.

Authorization is required for this. Basic Auth and Token Auth according to OIDC are currently supported.


Determining the repository



Answer (Extract):

{     "rfHN5c3RlbXwxfEZJfC8=": {         "repositoryId": "rfHN5c3RlbXwxfEZJfC8=",         "repositoryName": "FI",

Here the repositoryId must be determined via the repositoryName. All further queries require the repositoryId.


Querying data:



Answer (Extract):

This interface allows to get the properties of an ArchiveLink component. Here in the field cmis:rm_expirationDate the retention end date is stored. The format is Unixtime in milliseconds (UTC time zone) .

The cmis:objectId is needed for changing the data.


Updating data:

POST body with ContentType: application/x-ww-form-urlencoded

The format for <exprirationDate> is Unixtime in milliseconds (UTC time zone). It is only allowed to set the date into the future. The date to be set must be greater than an existing date.

HTTP status code 200 on successful execution.


Here are more examples: https://docs.oasis-open.org/cmis/CMIS/v1.1/os/examples/browser/


Attached is also a simple Postman example: