DR4 - Mail support

DR4 - Mail support


The DR is capable to inform email recipients on several events. This section explains how this feature is working and which configuration items exists.



Since DR 3.1.32 the DR has not anymore its own SMTP implementation. It uses an KGS common approach, now. This approach is realized by the usage of the KGS SMTP Connector .


In order to use it, we need to choose the instances configured in SMTP Connector plugin by configuring a comma separated list of KGS SMTP Connector instances.


How it works

In KGS SMTP connector plugin you can configure instances. Every instance is configured by a tupel of SMTP credentials and email recipients.

The DR configures to which of these tupels it will propagate all of its mail events.

So we need to configure these:

  • configure an recipient list and the topics to be covered in KGS SMTP Plugin as an instance

  • configure the DR so, that it sends its events to this SMTP instance

You may configure several such KGS SMTP plugin instances with different recipient groups and topic. In this case you need to propagate the DR plugin events to all of these KGS SMTP plugin instances.


The DR is producing some events. E.g. if the has happen an SAP error. These events are mapped to topics. The event is a topic. It is a one by one relation. Ergo every event is send to its own topic.


The DR is producing these topics:

Topic name


Topic name



If document id doesn’t match given regular expression
(see DR instance common tab)


In case of error during archiving, this topic will be triggered.


In case your scenario expects barcodes and none was found, this topic will be triggered and DocumentRouter will create an email which will be sent to everyone defined in instances dealing with that issue.


This topic will be called in case a component already exists during the document processing. See DR instance tab common: CheckHash


In case there has been a mismatch between the expected hash value and the actual received hash, this topic will be triggered.

See DR instance tab common: CheckHash


This topic will be triggered in case no hash value could be found for an existing component.

See DR instance tab common: CheckHash


In case DocumentRouter can not access the defined Document Directory this topic will be triggered and (if instances exist, which deal with that topic) mails will be sent informing the users or mail boxes about this issue.


In case the number of documents within the Failure directory surpasses the defined amount this topic it will be triggered and the users or mail boxes defined in the instances dealing with that issue will be informed by an email.


In case you restricted your scenario to certain file sizes (e.g.: Not processing and archiving zero-Byte files) and a file which matches with that restriction appears, an email will be sent to every SMTP instance dealing with that restriction.


For error codes not covered by others.


If an invalid index file has been provided, this topic will be triggered and emails will be send.


If an DR instance is started and the license is invalid / expired.


When DocumentRouter couldn’t find an image file (document references in index file), this topic will be triggered.


In case an error appeared during the communication with the SAP system, this topic will be triggered.


Belongs to SAP remote function (ZKGS_NOE_ARCHIV_CONNECTION_INS). If SAP-Object does not exist, SAP will throw an exception while SAP linking


In case the number of processed documents surpasses the defined percentage value, DocumentRouter will generate a warning email and send it to every user or mailbox defined by instances dealing with that issue.

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