tia® WriteCache (Container)
The tia® WriteCache is based on the OSGi-Framework. Since version 2.0.0 the tia® WriteCache is also available as a container in addition to the WAR-Deployment.
It is expected to have all mandatory requirements fullfilled. See: https://kgs-software.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/~5c8bb2ef33a4404c1086f9b4/pages/2683469825/OSGi+Produkte+in+Container#Dependencies%3A
Snippet Summary
docker login https://images.kgs-cloud.de/harbor/
docker pull images.kgs-cloud.de/tia-writecache/tia-writecache:<version>
docker run --name writecache -p 8080:8080 -v {YOUR HOST DIRECTORY MOUNT PATH}:/application/work -d images.kgs-cloud.de/tia-writecache/tia-writecache:<version>
Step 1: Pull the Image
docker pull images.kgs-cloud.de/tia-writecache/tia-writecache:<version>
Step 2: Start with mount options
It is necessary to mount a filesystem path into the container in order to persist the product (tia®WriteCache) configuration. This procedure ensures that the configuration is not lost after a restart/redeploy of the container.
docker run --name writecache -p 8080:8080 -v {YOUR HOST DIRECTORY MOUNT PATH}:/application/work -d images.kgs-cloud.de/tia-writecache/tia-writecache:<version>
Command | Task |
docker run | Start the container |
--name {APPLICATION NAME} | gives the container a free choosable name while running (for easier access later). Hint: You can start multiple instances of the same containers with different ports and different names. Example: --name MyWriteCache |
-p {PORT}:{PORT} | Maps the host port to the port in the container. Our Software runs on 8080 inside the container, therefore you always want to map your arbitrarily host port to 8080 Sample: -p 8080:8080 |
-v {HOST_MOUNTDIR}:{CONTAINER_MOUNTDIR} | In order to put the configuration outside of the container, its necessary to mount the /application/work directory of the container into a arbitrarily host directory Example: -v C:\KGS\cloud\mount:/application/work |
-d {IMAGE NAME} | The Image to run Step 1 needed to be complete Example: -d http://images.kgs-cloud.de/tia-writecache/tia-writecache:<version> |