Tab "Common" (Proxy)
Parameter | Type | Description | Default Value |
Debug | Integer | Sets the log-level for KGS WriteCache. [0-1] Only erros [2] Errors and Warnings [3] Errors, Warnings and Information [4] Errors, Warnings, Information and Debug information.
Caution: In case of frequent usage of the WriteCache, the size of the log file will increase rapidly. | 4 |
WorkingDirectory | String | Specifies the path for working files like temp files, databases, etc. | {Webserver}/webapps/KGSAdmin-PROXY/work/proxy |
HTTPTimeOut | Integer | Defines the number of seconds for the communication with the source / target. | 20 |
URL Decoding | String | Defines the encoding of the url. | UTF-8 |
Disable source check for creates | Checkbox | Specifies whether a create should not check whether the document is available in the source. If it is inactive, the request is sent to the source, if the document is available in the source and not available in the destination. | inactive |
Check Server Availability | Checkbox | Specifies if a document is not found in source or target, an additional check should be made if the server is reachable. | inactive |
Use source only for read operations | Checkbox | Specifies whether read-only operations must be performed in the source archive | inactive |
Use only %20 in URL Encoding in source and target | Checkob | CompIDs use + for SPACES when URLEncoded. Change this to use always %20 instead of +. | false |
AL Protocol Version | Select | choose Version of AL interface from selection "0045", "0046", "0047" | 0045 |