Automation of configuration (WS)

Automation of configuration (WS)

You may automate the following configuration:

  • License Key Configuration

  • List of instances

In order to automate the pre-configuration please follow these steps.

The following directory should be place at the root level of the web application resource (e.g.: inside the KGSAdmin-WebService.war-file)


  • WebService.<Name of the Webservice-instance>.cfg

  • WebService MainConfiguration.cfg

The name of the file itself indicates the name of the webservice instance, which will be configured automatically. The file has to follow this schema.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd"> <properties> <comment>ReadConfig=1</comment> <entry key="Common.ContentServer URL">http://localhost:8080/KGSAdmin-CS/contentserver</entry> <entry key="Common.Repository">FI</entry> <entry key="Common.Working Directory">/tmp/webservice-directories/test</entry> </properties>

This configuration will configure a webservice instance with the name Test for a Content Server URL running on the same webserver (localhost), the content repostiroy FI and the working directory /tmp/webservice-directories/test .

The working directory will be used for asyncronous requests where relevant index files for the Document Router will be created. Please check the API int ContentServerDocCreate(String Application-Name,String docid,String CompID, Document doc, boolean async) for additional details regarding asynchronous requests.

In addition to instances you may also automate pre-configure the webservice license key. The following schema defines the contents of the WebService MainConfiguration.cfg-file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd"> <properties> <comment>KGS Admin Bundle Configuration</comment> <entry key="Main.License Key">YOUR-LICENSE-KEY</entry> </properties>