Configuration (V)
- 1 Configuration variants
- 2 Configuration parameters
- 2.1 ContentServer
- 2.2 Security
- 2.3 Graph Mail
- 2.4 Keycloak (only appicable if Keycloak is configured)
- 2.5 Mime Types
- 2.6 Common
- 2.7 License
- 3 Profile Manager (Viewer profiles)
- 4 Configuration parameters for Viewer profiles
- 5 Configuration for SAP communication
- 6 Embed viewer as iFrame
Configuration variants
Configuration via WebUI
Please refer to this article, for an instruction to access the WebGUI: Using the KGS Application Framework Web Console (WebGUI)
Encrypted PDF files
If you are using encrypted PDF files please refer to the Features Section -> Watermark
The KGS Application Framework Web Console provides configuration of basic settings, including working directory, debug level, and so on. The KGS Viewer Bundle configuration can be accessed from the menu Main → HTML5 Viewer 4ArchiveLink.
Now click on Configuration under Administration. Save the configuration changes with .The bundle must then be restarted.
The settings in the Configuration (V)#ProfileManager(Viewerprofiles) are an exception, as they are applied immediately after saving the changes.
(Main → HTML5 Viewer 4ArchiveLink, Configuration)
Configuration using configuration files (.cfg)
For general information about the .cfg file handling please refer to this article: KGS application configuration files (.cfg)
The revelant .cfg files for the tia® H5 Viewer are inside the html5viewer subfolder.
Main configuration
The file Html5ViewerBundle.cfg contains the parameters for the main configuration.
Viewer profile configuration
Files like ViewerProfile.example.cfg contain the Viewer profile specific configuration. (Here for the profile "example")
To create a Viewer profile .cfg file either use the Configuration (V)#ProfileManager(Viewerprofiles) or use the file ViewerProfile.example.cfg from the conf examples folder inside your product download.
Configuration parameters
Parameter Name | DataType | Description | Default |
Http Timeout | Int | Timeout interval (in seconds) for communication with the content server. | 20 |
Parameter Name | DataType | Description | Default |
Token Secret | String | The token secret is a password that is used to decrypt an encrypted the URL token (contained in the URL when called via SAP). The token cannot be validated without the password. The token is then secured against manipulation. On the SAP side, the token is generated using the same password. There is therefore also a Customizing in SAP in which the password must be stored. The tia® H5 Viewer can only be used if both sides know the same password. | |
External authentication method | Checkbox | If this option is enabled, an external authentication mode like OIDC or Keycloak should be used. See : and or | Deactivated / false |
Authenticated actions | Dropdown | If an extenal authentication method is used, the Administrator can choose wether the authentication should be triggered whenever the document is displayed [All actions ] or only when an Email should be sent Only send Mail Possible Selections:
| All actions |
Graph Mail
Parameter Name | DataType | Description | Default |
Mail view mode | Dropdown | Change the behaviour of the Microsoft Graph Mail API. On Mail send following will happen: on "Popup":
on "Embedded":
| Embedded |
Keycloak (only appicable if Keycloak is configured)
Parameter Name | DataType | Description | Default |
realm | String | The realm which is configured in Keycloak to use | master |
resource | String | The Client which belongs to the configured realm. | |
auth-server-url | String | The URL to the Keycloak Endpoint. E.g. https://my-server:9005/auth | |
principal-attribute | String | The OpenIDConnect tokenattribute to fill the User-Information. This is used for annotation history. Allowed Values are:
| preferred_username |
ssl-required | String | Ensure the communication is HTTPS protected. In Production this should set to "all". Allowed Values are:
| |
use-resource-role-mappings | Checkbox | If set to true, the adapter will look inside the token for application level role mappings for the user. If false, it will look at the realm level for user role mappings. This is OPTIONAL. The default value is true. | true |
credentials.secret | String | The Keycloak credential to Login from KGS Viewer Backend to the Keycloak-Instance | |
identityProviderAlias | String | The Alias of the IdentityProvider, which is configured in the Keycloak realm | |
logoutRedirectUrl | String | (Optional) The address where the User is redirected after a successful logout |
Mime Types
Parameter Name | DataType | Description | Default |
Checkbox / boolean | If this option is enabled, PDF documents will be displayed with the Viewer. | Activated / true | |
TIFF | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is enabled, TIFF documents will be displayed with the Viewer. | Activated / true |
JPEG | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is enabled, JPEG documents will be displayed with the Viewer. | Activated / true |
Parameter Name | DataType | Description | Default |
Debug | Int | Loglevel: | 4 |
Working Directory | String | Directory for temporary files. | <servlet_home> \work\viewer |
Stamp Working Directory | String | Server directory containing available stamp images. Stamp files must be of type JPEG or PNG. Please do not create the stamp directory under or in the same folder as the working directory. |
Parameter Name | DataType | Description | Default |
License Key | String | Enter a valid license key here. |
Profile Manager (Viewer profiles)
The Profile Manager allows you to generate any number of viewer profiles. You can configure and use each profile individually. To use a profile, you must either completed the SAP customizing successfully or have chosen one profile in a ContentServer repository.
(Main → HTML5 Viewer 4ArchiveLink, Profile Manager)
The system provides a default profile that is used if no profile is specified when the viewer is started. Do not delete this profile. Choose the button to create a new profile. You can assign any name to the profile, but you cannot use spaces or special characters.
You can select the Delete and Configure buttons to edit or remove profile, the name of an profile cannot be changed after the profile has been created.
Configuration parameters for Viewer profiles
Parameter Name | DataType | Description | Default |
Enable Security | Checkbox / boolean | Activation of an optional procedure in which the user must authenticate himself with his LDAP/OPENID credentials before using the KGS Viewer. | Deactivated / false |
Disable security for get commands of not viewable documents | Checkbox / boolean | When security is enabled and a Get request is sent to retrieve a document with a mime type that cannot be displayed in the viewer, the document is downloaded without authentication. Available since viewer version 2.7.0 | Deactivated / false |
Security Config Name | Dropdown-list | Name of the instance configured in the SecProvider Bundle. | |
Use Cookies | Checkbox / boolean | If active, a cookie is created in the browser after successful authentication. As long as this cookie is valid, the user does not have to authenticate again. | Activated / true |
Cookie Expire Time (sec) | Int | Maximum validity of the generated cookie. After expiration the user has to authenticate again. | 3600 |
Secure Cookie Flag | Checkbox / boolean | When activated, the cookie will only work with HTTPs requests. | Deactivated / false |
Parameter Name | DataType | Description | Default | Since Version |
Render Annotations | Checkbox / boolean | When activated, any annotations are displayed/rendered. | Activated / true |
Annotation History | Checkbox / boolean | When activated, the annotation history is accessable. | Activated / true |
Edit Mode | Checkbox / boolean | When activated, new annotations can be edited (created). | Activated / true |
Document Note | Checkbox / boolean | When activated, the data is transferred from a note.ixos component to the standard note component at runtime. | Activated / true |
Download Document | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, users can download documents. | Activated / true |
Print Document | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, users can print documents. When printing, you decide whether notes and SAP notes are included in the printout. | Activated / true |
Document Note Open Mode | Selection | This option control the note area opening behavior when opening a document:
Print Annotations | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, users can print annotations. | Activated / true |
Print Annotations Default Value | Checkbox / boolean | Default value for the modal print dialog. When Activated the checkbox is prefilled, otherwise checkbox is not selected. | Activated / true |
Download Annotations Default Value | Checkbox / boolean | Default value for the modal download dialog. When Activated the checkbox is prefilled, otherwise checkbox is not selected. | Activated / true |
Print Document Note | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, users can print the document note. | Activated / true |
Print Document Note Default Value | Checkbox / boolean | Default value for the modal print dialog. When Activated the checkbox is prefilled, otherwise checkbox is not selected. | Activated / true |
Print Document Note Default Value | Checkbox / boolean | Default value for the modal download dialog. When Activated the checkbox is prefilled, otherwise checkbox is not selected. | Activated / true |
Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, a watermark is set. | Activated / true |
| |
Watermark Text | String | The text of the watermark | Copy |
Auto Open Thumbnails | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, the thumbnail is automatically displayed when a document is opened. | Deactivated / false |
Sticky Note Annotation | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, users can draw sticky notes | Activated / true |
Freehand Annotation | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, users can draw freehand lines. | Activated / true |
Rectangle Annotation | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, users can draw rectangles. | Activated / true |
Highlight Annotation | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, users can draw highlights. | Activated / true |
Redaction Annotation | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, users can draw redactions. | Activated / true |
Circle Annotation | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, users can draw circles. | Activated / true |
Line Annotation | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, users can draw lines. | Activated / true |
Stamp Annotation | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, users can use stamps. | Activated / true |
Text Annotation | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, users can add text to documents. | Activated / true |
Sync note.ixos | Checkbox / boolean | When this option is enabled, text-based document notes are transfered from the note.ixos component (created by the OpenText Viewer) to the note component. | Activated / true |
Sync anno.ixos | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, text-based annotations are transferred from the anno.ixos component (created by the OpenText Viewer) to the kgsannotation component. Texts migrated in this way are displayed as yellow notes in the KGS Viewer and cannot be changed. | Activated / true |
Prevent Copy Url | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, it is prevent to use a copied url. | Deactivated/false |
Notification Timeout (sec) | Int | Defines the timespan until a notification timeouts. | 5 |
Auto Turn Off Edit Mode | Checkbox/boolean | Automatically turns of the Edit mode in case the document has been saved. | Deactivated/false |
Edit Permission Other User | Checkbox/ boolean | Defines whether a user may edit annotations created by others or whether he may only edit annotations created by himself | Activated/true |
Annotation Mouseover Timeout | Int | Defines the amount of time in seconds to display the information, who and when an annotation was created, until this notification timeouts. | 2 |
Note Encoding Detection Hint | String | Defines a hint for the note encoding detection. This is only used when no explicit encoding is saved along with the note. The hint only helps to decide when the entered encoding is already recognized along with others and it is unclear what the correct encoding is. Examples:
| - |
Open edit mode at startup | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, edit mode is automatically entered when a document is opened. | Deactivated / false | 2.5.7 |
Email Document (if external authentication is used) | Checkbox / boolean | If this option is activated, sending the document via email is enabled (only if external authentication is used). | Activated / true | 2.5.10 |
Parameter Name | DataType | Description | Default |
Gateway Profile | Dropdown-list | A List of existing KGS DocGateway profiles | None |
Configuration for SAP communication
For features like saving Notes & Annotations you have to configure two more "bundles".
SAP Connector configuration
Create a SAP Connection.
Select the previous created SAP Connection here.
Embed viewer as iFrame
To be able to embed the viewer as an iFrame, the ContentSecurityPolicy filter in the web.xml must be adjusted.
Here a value for the init-param KGSAdminFrameAncestors must be entered (the host that wants to integrate the viewer as an iFrame).
If the viewer is used as a container application, this value can be specified externally as the environment variable "KGS_ADMIN_FRAMEANCESTORS".
→ SAP Customizing (V) | tia® H5 Viewer (EN)