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After creating the necessary configuration files you’re ready to set up DocumentRouter instances.

In order to create a new instance or edit an existing one, enter the KGS Document Router istance view by clicking in UI
Main → KGS DocumentRouter.
Within in the Instance Overview you may check the status, name, start and end time of each KGS DocumentRouter instance, as well as perform actions like creating a new instance, start or edit or stop an existing one as well as deleting an existing DocumentRouter instance.

The Actions column allows you to perform the following actions.



The play symbol allows you to start an existing instance.

The stop symbol allows you to stop a running existing instance.

The bin symbol allows you to delete an existing instance.

The gear symbol allows you to open the Instance configuration.

Creating a new DocumentRouter instance

In order to create a new DocumentRouter instance, please click on the New Instance-button. This will open a modal dialog which allows you to define the name of the instance.

After clicking on the Create button, a new instance of DocumentRouter will be created and displayed within the instance overview.

You may now proceed to configure the created instance by clicking on the gear-symbol in the Action column.

Editing an existing DocumentRouter instance

After clicking on the gear-symbol, you’ll be lead to the configuration of this specific DocumentRouter instance. The configuration will be done in separate tabs, which are being described below.

After making changes in a tab and in order to take over these changes, please click the Save button!

SAP tab

Error rendering macro 'include' : com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.MacroException: No title provided.

Salesforce tab

For linkng to salesforce this tab contains the following settings:

Parameter Name



Default Value

Salesforce Linking Enabled


to enable Salesforce linking.

As counter part a Salesforce-Plugin is required.

internal docu: /wiki/spaces/WIKI/pages/2113110021


Common tab

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Archiving tab

This tab is for configuration related to archiving.

Parameter Name



Default Value

AL Connection Mapping File


Former known as SID-Mapping-File. Inside this file archive. link connections can be defined. Instead of content repository settings made in SAP the settings from this file is used. See


Skip archiving


If enabled, archiving can be skipped. This may helpful for debug linking or for historical documents that have been archived already and only need to be linked to SAP.




Does locking if archiving and linking was successfully. Default: true


SMTP tab

In this tab the SMTP-Connector-Instances are configured, which shall receive DocumentRouter topic content.

Which topics exist and how DocumentRouter emailing works is described in DR4 - Mail support .

Parameter Name



Default Value



One or more SMTP configurations, by their name. The asterisk character acts as a wildcard ( * ), meaning all SMTP instances configured in the KGS SMTP Plugin.

In case multiple instances should be notified, they must be separated by comma (,)


Duplication detection time-out


An duplicated mail is suppressed (not sent) inside configured period [ms] after sending mail.
exists from DR 5.1


Further information for the KGS SMTP Connector plugin is available here KGS SMTP Connector

Conversion tab

KGS Document Router offers the possibility to convert files before archiving.

Parameter Name



Default Value



If set true, an tiff document file can be converted to pdf.


Prolog tab

Error rendering macro 'include' : com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.MacroException: No title provided.

Authentication tab

Parameter name



Enable token authentication


Checked = Enables token authentication to access the DocumentRouter instance via REST

Unchecked = No authentication needed

OpenID discovery url


The discovery url defines the location of the openid configuration of the authentication server. This endpoint always ends with “/.well-known/openid-configuration“.


Token audience


The audience defines the resource identifier. The requested token must provide this predefined identifier so that the DR instance can validate access to its resources.

Request DocumentRouter instance state by REST

In case you wish to check the status of multiple instances in a more textual way, you may also use an serverInfo-request against DocumentRouter in order to retrieve the status of all instances of DocumentRouter.

The request has to look like this: http://<IP address or hostname><:Port>/KGSAdmin-DR/documentrouter?serverInfo&pVersion=<0045 or 0046 or 0047>

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