After creating the necessary configuration files you’re ready to set up DocumentRouter instances.
In order to create a new instance or edit an existing one, enter the KGS Document Router istance view by clicking in UI
Main → KGS DocumentRouter.
Within in the Instance Overview you may check the status, name, start and end time of each KGS DocumentRouter instance, as well as perform actions like creating a new instance, start or edit or stop an existing one as well as deleting an existing DocumentRouter instance.
The Actions column allows you to perform the following actions.
Symbol | Description |
![]() | The play symbol allows you to start an existing instance. |
![]() | The stop symbol allows you to stop a running existing instance. |
![]() | The bin symbol allows you to delete an existing instance. |
![]() | The gear symbol allows you to open the Instance configuration. |
In order to create a new DocumentRouter instance, please click on the New Instance-button. This will open a modal dialog which allows you to define the name of the instance.
After clicking on the Create button, a new instance of DocumentRouter will be created and displayed within the instance overview.
You may now proceed to configure the created instance by clicking on the gear-symbol in the Action column.
After clicking on the gear-symbol, you’ll be lead to the configuration of this specific DocumentRouter instance. The configuration will be done in separate tabs, which are being described below.
After making changes in a tab and in order to take over these changes, please click the Save button! |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
Enable token authentication | Checkbox | Checked = Enables token authentication to access the DocumentRouter instance via REST Unchecked = No authentication needed |
OpenID discovery url | String | The discovery url defines the location of the openid configuration of the authentication server. This endpoint always ends with “/.well-known/openid-configuration“. E.g.:<tenantId>/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration |
Token audience | String | The audience defines the resource identifier. The requested token must provide this predefined identifier so that the DR instance can validate access to its resources. |
In case you wish to check the status of multiple instances in a more textual way, you may also use an serverInfo-request against DocumentRouter in order to retrieve the status of all instances of DocumentRouter.
The request has to look like this: http://<IP address or hostname><:Port>/KGSAdmin-DR/documentrouter?serverInfo&pVersion=<0045 or 0046 or 0047>