Changelog (Store)
Former user (Deleted)
Matthias Rieck
Stefan Franz
Former user (Deleted)
Security Fixes
Security Fixes
Major Release
Change to Jarkata Servlet >= 6.0 - Breaking Change: is only running on modern Java-Webserver that supports JakartaEE (e.g. Tomcat 10 …) and Java 17+
Update kgs tools
support cleanVersion parameter for S3
support Log-Buffer
Allow CompIDs with only blanks as name. All Store-Types does support it now.
Fixed a Bug with EMC DB with CompIDs containing an '
Fixed Bug with , and : in S3 CompNames
Reworked storage.cfg -detection and ComponentFS Update
fix findProfile
ILM: prop-files are remaining after deletion
storage.cfg is now checked in webserver root
fix orpaned or missing info files
fix S3 double locks
better retention date reached messages
ILM EMC DB Oracle Bug fixed
Azure fixes
Fix for ILM inconsistent date_time in expiration_date
rename product name
Fix for HCP retention
Several fixes for storage type 13
Added "
" as settable value for ComponentCreateExtAdded HashAlg and HashSum validation for ComponentCreateExt for storage type 13
Introduced new storage type 13 "Managed Buckets"
Fixed S3 storage type handling of encoded special characters in CompID
New DMS DocProperty 103 = DMS_DOC_PROPERTY_CHECKSIGNATURE. This parameter can be set and retrieved to indicate that a signature was created and should be checked by the application
New Parameter UseFlatStylePath = true|false for Storage Type S3. If set to true, the path style storage is disabled
New Parameter DocumentMetaDataRepresentation = true|false for Storage Type S3. If set to true, all document data is stored to the blob metadata instead of a blob-file
Improved FSDB storage type security against possible sql injections
New S3 storage type parameters
Fixed Cache Memory leak
3.6.1 (and earlier)
09.07.2019 3.6.1 ::GK:: FIXED Long startup time when checking db tables and columns
09.07.2019 3.6.1 ::GK:: FIXED error retrieving documents with SUSE Enterprise Storage 5.5 (unaccessible custom metadata)
24.06.2019 3.6.0 ::GK:: ILM setProperties on Document level implemented
24.06.2019 3.6.0 ::GK:: new Container implementation
24.06.2019 3.6.0 ::GK:: new ExecutorService for replacing various threads
24.06.2019 3.6.0 ::GK:: fixed S3 Component selection
24.06.2019 3.6.0 ::GK:: converted S3 custom meta to lowercase chars.
23.05.2019 3.5.9 ::GK:: added setDocumentProperties LOCK and Retension for FSDB document
09.05.2019 3.5.8 ::GK:: added logging for container handling
09.05.2018 3.5.1 ::GK:: FIX: after component update, a wrong component size was returned with EMC Storage
09.04.2018 3.5.0 ::GK:: Added Reconnect to DocumentKeySet with external database
Version V03.47
- FIX increasing database connections for storage-type EMCDB
Version V03.46P2
- Buffersize increased for Containerfileextraxt to 100 MB
- new Component Property DMS_COMP_PROPERTY_HASHKEY_EXISTS 111 -> Hashkey if exists, otherwise ""
- new parameter DocAccount for StorageType 7
- decimal numbers now allowed for parameter ContainerMaxDocSizeMB and ContainerMaxMB
Version V03.46P1
- Exception in Mode StorageType=3 if the filesize doesn't match with the database field FileLen.
- Fix java.lang.NumberFormatException in StorageType 3 if compentent > 2GB
Version V03.46
- new parameter dDocTypeFieldName for StorageType 7
- no out of index exception if the access to envirnoment variables fails
Version V03.45P4
- Extended logging for oracle UCM. LogMode=16 logs Oracle search results (you can combine it with other loglevels e.x. LogMode=23 -> 16 + 7).
Version V03.45P3
- StorageType FSDB: Exception in componentRead and componentGet if the filesize of the data file in the filesystem is different to the filesize stored in the DB.
Version V03.45P2
- parameter to limit Filenamelength StorageType FS, NetApp, ICasFS.
Version V03.45P1
- Use java method getUsableSpace instead of getFreeSpace to support EXT4 file systems.
Version V03.45
- Dataencoding for StorageFS, NetApp, ICASFS
Version V03.44 P2
- Fix null pointer Exception componentPropertyGet, Property HASHKEY if Hashkeybuilding not configured
Version V03.44 P1
- ICASFS new parameter to configure waitingtime for offline attribut (WaitForOfflineAttr)
Version V03.44
- in FSDB Mode filenames now ending with the extension corresponding to mimetyp
- Oracle UCM file checkin will now pass a filename with extention
- new Parameter EnableContainerStreaming for Mode EMC CENTERA DB
- BUGFIX FreeDiscSpaceArchPath behaivor. Switch to to next path now is limit reached
- in FSDB Mode compid part of the filename will now replaced by a GUID in case of an compid not equal data,note or descr
- does Hashalgo property exists Hashkey must exists too
- does Hashkey property exists Hashalg must exists too
- new Attributtes for method componentCreateExt (format YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
Version V03.43P3
- support system variable in path configuration
Version V03.43P2
- remove double slash behind repositryID from documentpath
Version V03.43P1
- Encrypted Password prefix now "<xKGSEPx>" instead of "" ("" still accepted, but new PW will have the new prefix)
- NetApp retention lock in websphere environment on Linux uses touch and chmod command (MTU special)
Version V03.43
- Support ZIP Files with no sizeinfo in ZIP-EntryHeader
Version V03.42P3
- Sequenz in update methode changed. first step write a tempfile (info and data), then delete originals and than rename the tempfile to original filenames
Version V03.42P2
- set readonlyflag in ICASFS mode also without retention for component files
Version V03.42P1
- changing lookup string from "java:/comp/env" to "java:comp/env"
Version 3.42
- DuplicatePath feature
- ComponentID's can now contain characters like <>:\/?
Version 3.41
- componentRegisterContainer nun auch fr EMCDB
- componentRegister nun auch fr EMCDB
- setting lastaccessdate now with Java functions -> Java 1.7 needed
Version 3.40
- Support Oracle 11g
Version 3.39P1
- Bugfix Update Centera -> if SQL update Clip-ID fails, the original Clip was not accessable
Version 3.39E1
- Hashkey support II -> nach nderung der Konfiguration bei jedem get Zugriff Hashvalues neue ermitteln und in DB updaten
Version 3.39
- Hashkey support
Version 3.38
- Support DELL DX
Version 3.37
- ComponentCreate: write Documentproperties for DB and FS first, before write ComponentEntries. This is a better Sequenz for componentCreateExt (Problem invalid doc Properties)
- Delete File in temporary ZIP-Container if the container is in TEMP area. Independed of the parameter (EnableFileDelete)
Version 3.36
- support for Oracle UCM
- locking files with Mode=3 for ICAS
Version 3.35P4
- Retention Konfiguration
Version 3.35P1
- Compression Property for EMC DB und FS DB
Version 3.35E1
- New parameter FolderPrefix
Version 3.35
- Documentkeyset for Databases (Keymode=1)
Version 3.34
- Support of Timestamps for Mirgration4ArchiveLink
Version 3.33P1
- EMC Centera with Driver 3.2.705
Version 3.33
- Extend Containering
- More then one Archpath possible now
Version 3.32
- Conversion modus for Storage FS
Version 3.31P1
- Extend Containerring with Context-Name Parameter in WEB.XML
- Profilelocation can now be specified in WEB.XML
Version 3.31
- No Defaultpath during in initialisation
Version 3.30
- DatabaseFS mode supports now containering
Version 3.29
- iCAS FS fr ArchiveLink Untersttzung
Version 3.28
- iCAS Untersttzung
Version 3.27
- neue Funktion resourceGet in ILM Interface
Version 3.26
- EMC Modus KGS Store with Database
Version 3.25 P1
- FIX remove Keys when document deleted
Version 3.25
- support DocumentKeysSet and DocFinder
Version 3.24
- IML support
Version 3.23
- BUGFIX: Lock files on AIX when comp-ID contains blanks.
Version 3.22
- Filesystemaccess optional with C++ library
- support docids with blank FS/Netapp/EMC
Version 3.21
- DB Access with only one connection
Version 3.20 P1
- bugfix: readonly repositories works only if more than one repository was defined as read only
Version 3.20
- support more than 1 EMC Centera connection (needed to address diverent pools )
- NetApp: Retention and DeletionDate Property now only in Info Component
- Software protection by Retention Property
Version 3.19
- NetApp: Retention and DeletionDate Property now in Info Component as well
Version 3.18
- new method componentCreateExt -> needed for compression flag NetApp
Version 3.16
- Password DB access encrypted
- prefix database tablenames configurable