Configuration (Store)
Configuration (Store)
The name for the configuration-file must be specified in the web.xml file of your servlet. To locate the designated file for the software configurations please have a look into the web.xml-file located in the WEB-INF-directory. Example: /opt/tomcat/webapps/KGS ContentServer/WEB-INF/web.xml KGS Store is being delivered with a variety of flavours and options which allow the connection to many commonly used storage backends. In order to use the StorageType that suits your requirements best please make sure that your installation contains necessary additional libraries and modules. Due to the variety of configurations please see the related page for your designated storage backend.
- Configuration (Store) - ArchiveLink
- Configuration (Store) - Common Settings
- Configuration (Store) - StorageTypes - ArchiveLink
- Configuration (Store) - STORAGEFS (0)
- Configuration (Store) - EMC CENTERA (1)
- Configuration (Store) - NetApp (2)
- Configuration (Store) - STORAGEFSDB (3)
- Configuration (Store) - EMC CENTERA DB (4)
- Configuration (Store) - ICAS (5)
- Configuration (Store) - ICASFS (6)
- Configuration (Store) - OracleUCM (7)
- Configuration (Store) - SharePoint (8)
- Configuration (Store) - DELL (9)
- Configuration (Store) - DELL DX with DB(10)
- Configuration (Store) - Azure (11)
- Configuration (Store) - S3 (12)
- Configuration (Store) - S3 ManagedBuckets (13)
- Configuration (Store) - ILM
- Sample Configurations (Store)