SAP-Customizing & ArchiveLink Security (CS)

OAC0 - Content Repository configuration

KGS CS is configured within SAP using the definition of Content Repositories. The transaction is OAC0. Following parameters have to be set:

  • HTTP server → Hostname or IP of the webserver
  • Port Number →  Port with which the webserver can be reached
  • HTTP Script →  <Servlet name>/contentserver

ArchiveLink Security (OAC0)

To use the ArchiveLink security you have to enable the signature and send (& activate) the certificate to the Content Server.

To see the signature parameter, you have to access the Full administration.

To use the security No signature needs to be unchecked.

To send the certificate click on the envelope button. This sends a putCert request to the Content Server.

Activating a certificate

In case you use the security in mode 2, you have to activate the certificate by hand.

  1. Access the CS Admin in the OAC0 transaction, after you send the certificate and open the Certificates tab.
  2. Enable the Edit mode
  3. Select the certificate
  4. Activate the certificate

→ Logging (CS) | tia® Content Server (EN)