Note: The tia® Status UI is currently receiving frequent changes in order to achieve best usability. Therefore it is possible that this documentation is not always up to date with the latest UI release.
The tia® Status UI provides information about the tia® Content Server core installation:
General information like Version, License expiration date, etc.
Server metrics
Repository configuration (editing not possible in UI)
The tia® Status UI provides functionality to
view and manage certificates, as well as to
download usage statistics and upload volume baselines which are relevant for subscription-based contracts.
Accessing the tia® Status UI
The tia® Status UI can be accessed via the web browser using the following URL:
http[s]://<FQDN or IP address>:<port>/<context>/info
secure HTTPS can be configured (recommended)
<FQDN or IP address> refers to the server by full-qualified domain name or IP address running the container
<port> is the server port mapped to the container port when starting the container
<context> is the application context name (see Installation / Deployment (tC) )
A login is required.
For configuration of the user name and passwort read more here: tia® Status UI Authentication
Main screen
The main screen of the tia® Status UI provides important information like product version or license expiration data right at the top.
More detailed information is available by clicking on the different buttons below.
A status bar provides information about the result of the last action result.
View Metrics
Download volume metrics
Click Download Volume Usage button to download a volumecounter archive file.
Upload volume baseline
To upload a volume baseline file, click Upload Volume Baseline button.
Manage Certificates
To access the Certificate Manager, click Manage Certificates.
The certificate manager opens and displays for all repositories configured, if a security option is activated and a list of the certificates loaded.
Repository list
The main screen also lists the configured repositories.
Click on a repository to open the detailed view of the repository configuration (editing is not possible - this takes place here: Services).
Show volume measurement
In the main screen you can select View Volume Usage to see the volume in the last six month.
The button is only visible when is configured. An online connection is required for this functionality. This feature requires a production license.
Connection check is also possible with non-production license by click at the button
Configure descriptions
see for repository description
see tia.server.description
in Reference of application-wide parameters for server description