With Autodigit 2.0.0 support for NetApp was added.
This is based on Splitfilesystem version 2 and offers support for SnapLock.
It has the identical configuration parameters as SplitFileSystem version 1. The Snaplock hardware lock only supports time based retention. Legal holds are not supported.
Locking only works if retention is configured.
The NetApp type can also be used for ICAS.
Configurationparameter - repository.cfg
<repoName>.contentservice.type=netapp <repoName>.contentservice.netapp.root = C:/DEV/cs/storage_autodigit_sfs #<repoName>.contentservice.netapp.ContrepInPath = #default: false #<repoName>.contentservice.netapp.RetriesFolderCreate = #default: 3 #<repoName>.contentservice.netapp.FreeDiscSpace = #default:0