Connection URL for database.
This parameter is optional.
Sample for Oracle:
JDBC driver name.
(If DB-URL is not being set.)
IP address / DNS name of the database server.
(If DB-URL is not being set.)
Port database listener.
(If DB-URL is not being set.)
Database system ID.
(If DB-URL is not being set.)
Password of the database user.
The password will be encrypted after the first start.
The pool addresses can be a comma-separated string of IP-addresses or DNS names ov available Centera-nodes.
Hiermit sind vermutlich ausschließlich IPv4-Adressen gemeint oder? Falls ja sollte man das auch so erwähnen.
This example specifies a connection string with multiple IP-addresses which is a best practice that protects against the unavailability of one or more nodes within the cluster.,,
This example opens a pool using the specified PEA-file.
(Please confirm Centera documentation for details)
You can define one pool address per Repository ID by using Key "CenteraPollAddress_xx" (xx = Repository-ID) finde ich widersprüchlich.
Ist das jetzt so gemeint: oder CenteraPoolAddress_H8 =
The maximum data size in bytes for data to be embedded in the CDF instead of being stored as separate blobs.
Default: 102400
Max. value: 102400
Syntax: AttributeName,AttributValue
Attribute namens with special functionality (see EMC SDK): RetentionPeriod -> in Month (will be converted to seconds for EMC Centera) must be set with this parameter. e.g. CompClip-DescA_1-O1 = RetentionPeriod,10
n= counter starting with 1 xx=SAP Repository ID yyyy= SAP Component-ID
(If yyyy isn't specified, the attributes are valid for all Components)
Defines a list of Repositories for which KGS Store may automatically created tables on the database.
Example: Repositories = T1,FB,H8,C2
List of comma-separated ContentRepository/-ies that should be handled as read only.
Common Settings
In order to use DELL DX with a database, please set in [COMMON SETTINGS] section the parameter StorageType = 10.
→ Configuration (Store) - Azure (11) | Configuration (Store) - StorageTypes - ArchiveLink