Configuration (Store) - Azure (11)
Please note that you'll have to provide additional libraries to KGS Store in order to use Azure storage.
Common Settings
In order to use Microsoft Azure, please set in [COMMON SETTINGS] section the parameter StorageType = 11.
Parameter | DataType | Description | Default |
StorageConnectionString | String | Connection String for Azure Endpoint. The connection string contains the following elements:
Sample String: "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=AKOKGSDEVSTOREACC;AccountKey=MGXDPDKGFSZB7YSRDD87/BCBDAT==;BlobEndpoint=;QueueEndpoint=;"; | |
StorageContainerName | String | Name of the Azure Blob Storage Container. Can be specified per contentrepository by adding a trailing "_<ContentRepository>". Sample String: StorageContainerName_FI = "repo-fi" | |
ContRepInPath | Boolean | TRUE: For every Contentrepository a directory will be created and documents and / or corresponding sub-directory-trees will be attached into this directory. FALSE: Leading Contentrepository-directory will not be created. | |
LockFiles | Boolean | If enabled locks all objects in compliance mode during the create process. | |
RetentionPeriod | Integer | Defines the amount of time (in months) from creation date until the documents should be protected from modification. Can be specified per contentrepository by adding a trailing "_<ContentRepository>". Example: RetentionPeriod_FI = 12 | |
HashCheck | Boolean | Enables or disables the hash-key check during document checkout (get). Can be specified per contentrepository by adding a trailing "_<ContentRepository>". Example: HashCheck_FI = FALSE |
→ Configuration (Store) - S3 (12) | Configuration (Store) - StorageTypes - ArchiveLink