Info |
Please note that you'll have to provide additional libraries to KGS Store in order to use Azure storage. |
Common Settings
In order to use Microsoft Azure, please set in [COMMON SETTINGS] section the parameter StorageType = 11.
Parameter | DataType | Description | Default |
StorageConnectionString | String | Connection String for Azure Endpoint. The connection string contains the following elements:
Sample String: "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=AKOKGSDEVSTOREACC;AccountKey=MGXDPDKGFSZB7YSRDD87/BCBDAT==;BlobEndpoint=;QueueEndpoint=;"; | |
StorageContainerName | String | Name of the Azure Blob Storage Container. | |
ContRepInPath | Boolean | TRUE: For every Contentrepository a directory will be created and documents and / or corresponding sub-directory-trees will be attached into this directory. FALSE: Leading Contentrepository-directory will not be created. | |
LockFiles | Boolean | If enabled locks all objects in compliance mode during the create process. | |
RetentionPeriod | Integer | Defines the amount of time (in months) from creation date until the documents should be protected from modification. Can be specified per contentrepository by adding a trailing "_<ContentRepository>". Example: RetentionPeriod_FI = 12 | |
HashCheck | Boolean | Enables or disables the hash-key check during document checkout (get). Can be specified per contentrepository by adding a trailing "_<ContentRepository>". Example: HashCheck_FI = FALSE |
→ Configuration (Store) - S3 (12) | Configuration (Store) - StorageTypes - ArchiveLink