Variable name | Description | Notes |
| TenantID of the SharePoint. In case there are multiple SharePoint tenants, for each a tia Connect container, and therefore a Custom Connector as well have to be deployed. | see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/find-your-office-365-tenant-id |
| Single Site-URL or comma-separated list of Site-URLs to access SharePoint used by Auto Archiver. Format of a Site-URL: | |
| Sharepoint requires this to reach tia Connect via this URL. | |
| ClientId/ApplicationId with the app registrations required. | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/identity-platform/quickstart-register-app?tabs=client-secret |
| Client Secret of the app Registration |
Choose Browse and select the tia® Connect Custom Connector installation package:
Review the information displayed and click Next.
On tab 1. General enter as Host the network address of the tia® SharePoint Connect and
(forward slash) as the Base URL.On tab 2. Security select Authentication type
OAuth 2.0
Configure the other settings according to the app registrations for communication with tia tia® Connect. See https://kgs-software.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SUPPORTDOCUEN/pages/35744317803645636737/Required+App+Registrations#App-Registrations-for-communication-with-tia-Connect-via-the-Custom-Connector.
Choose an environment for tia tia® Connect and then select Solutions > Import solution.
Choose Browse and select the tia® Connect Managed installation package:
Review the information displayed and click Next.