Configuring tia® Core for HTTPS (container deployment)

Configuring tia® Core for HTTPS (container deployment)

This topic applies only to container deployments. It does NOT apply to WAR-file deployments.

tia® Core products in container deployment support HTTP or HTTPS communication, while it is not possible to have both at the same time.

Secure communication over HTTPS requires a certificate in stored as pkcs12 format. The certificate may be public or self-signed. The file typically stored permanently at host and therefore needs to be mapped into the container.

The following configuration must be made in container environment variables.

For conversion of parameter name to environment variable name, see Application wide settings | Environment variables .


Application-wide setting


Application-wide setting



Key store format.

Supported are PKCS12 and JKS supported. PKCS12 is preferred.


Location of the keystore


Password for the keystore


Alias for the certificate in the pkcs12 store


true: Enable HTTPS

As communication is on port configured by server.port parameter (default: 8080), also set this parameter to the port desired for HTTPS (e.g. 8443).



Example: Setting up HTTPS for tia® Content Server Core


  1. Create a keystore with a self signed certificate or skip this step with existing certificate.

keytool -genkeypair -alias kgs -storepass test1234 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype PKCS12 -keystore kgs.p12 -validity 3650


  1. Edit the docker run command respective the docker compose file to start the container


If using docker run command:

Map the file in the container:

-v ./tiacore/kgs.p12:/application/kgs.p12

Add to environment variables:



If using docker compose file:

Below services > [service name] > volumes add a volume mapping for the directory containing the keystore:

Below services > [service name] > environment add these parameters:



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