Using KGS JavaEE WebApps in Tomcat 10

Using KGS JavaEE WebApps in Tomcat 10


This article is not relevant for all releases beginning November 2023 based on Jakarta Servlet 5.0

This article describes how two use KGS WebApps using JavaEE in Tomcat 10 with JakartaEE.




Due to a namespace change certain elements in namespace javax are migrated to jakartaee. Apache Tomcat help pages describes how to migrate Apps foreseen for Tomcat 9 to Tomcat 10.

Users of Tomcat 10 onwards should be aware that, as a result of the move from Java EE to Jakarta EE as part of the transfer of Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation, the primary package for all implemented APIs has changed from javax.* to jakarta.*.

Currently all kgs application need a special deployment to run in tomcat 10 environment. (see Using KGS JavaEE WebApps in Tomcat 10 | Get App running on Tomcat 10 )

Get App running on Tomcat 10

  • install Tomcat 10 as known

  • create in tomcat folder beside webapps the folder named webapps-javaee

  • put KGS war into webapps-javaee folder

Updates are only possible by removing the application from webapp folder and place the update in webapps-javaee. Make sure to backup you configuration/databases and work configurations