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Table of Contents


KGS Migration4ArchiveLink is a Java-based software application which allows you to migrate the contents of any SAP ArchiveLink® compliant document storage and archiving system.


You may manage and monitor every aspect of the migration while necessary steps are being executed in the background.

System Requirements

For the system requirements please see: Prerequisites for KGS Software Components


In order to use KGS Migration4ArchiveLink please follow the guide for requesting licences: KGS Software licensing

Migration Modes

KGS Migration4ArchiveLink supports migration runs in two different modes:


Both migration modes have in common, that you may define a list of identifying data which determines which documents have to be migrated. The difference is, how this identifying data is being obtained.

Online Migration


This feature is no longer available from version 3.2.6


SAP tables being used







Offline Migration

When setting up an offline migration the KGS Migration4ArchiveLink doesn't connect to your SAP system at all.


You may either create this kind of list by an SAP transaction or through SQL statemets. This approach has the advantage that the user will be able to exclude documents from the migration process (e.g.: if the documents are too old or unused).



KGS Migration4ArchiveLink is being shipped as a web archive container (WAR file). Depending on your webserver the installation procedure might differ.

Sample installation for Apache Tomcat 7 via WebUI

Open your tomcat's "Manager App", go to section WAR file to deploy, select "KGSAdmin-MIG.war" and click on the button Deploy.



Please note: If the name of the *.war-file was changed, that the name of the deployed web application has been changed as well.


Sample installation via webapps-folder

After downloading KGS Migration4ArchiveLink you unzip the contents of the downloaded zip-archive to <Webserver-installation-folder>/webapps.



Please note: Depending on the hardware and system Tomcat Webserver is being executed on it might take some time to decompress the content of the war-archive.

Setting up a migration process with an external SQL database

KGS Migration4Archivelink is being shipped with an integrated database (H2 database). If you intend to use an external database (i.e.: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, etc.), you'll have to define and configure a database connection to the external database ( Main → Edit Configuration → Database).

If you intend to use the database which has been shipped with KGS Migration4ArchiveLink you may skip this step.


Additional Requirements for Online Migrations

In order to be able to perform online migrations an SAP connection has to be setup in the KGS SAP Connector (Main → KGS SAP Connector).



All access from KGS Migration4ArchiveLink software is read only.


Configuring KGS Migration4ArchiveLink

In case you wish to define and change the global configuration of KGS Migration4ArchiveLinke please go to "Main → Migration4ArchiveLink → Edit Configuration".

Within this section you may define and change the global settings of the application.



All changes made to the global configuration of the application might impact every migration process.

Configuring mail notifications

In case you wish to setup mail notifications please set the following parameters.

Insert excerpt
Tab "Mail" (MIG)
Tab "Mail" (MIG)

Configuring data conversion during migration runs

KGS Migration4ArchiveLink offers you the option to convert components during the migration process.

If you wish to define conversions please set the following parameters in a way which fits your requirements.

Insert excerpt
Tab "DataConversion" (MIG)
Tab "DataConversion" (MIG)

Configuring global RFC settings

Within this tab you may change the global record count for data retrievals from your SAP system.

Insert excerpt
Tab "RFC" (MIG)
Tab "RFC" (MIG)

Configuring the usage of an external database

In case you decide to use your own database instead of the database that had been shipped with KGS Migration4ArchiveLink you'll have to provide and define the information listed below in order to use your own database.


Insert excerpt
Tab "Database" (MIG)
Tab "Database" (MIG)

Within this tab you may change the behavior of KGS Migration4ArchiveLink regarding internal aspects like logging, which directory is being used by Migration4ArchiveLink as working directory and so on.

Insert excerpt
Tab "Common" (MIG)
Tab "Common" (MIG)

Entering the license key

In order to enter the license key which has been provided by KGS, please enter it within this tab.

Insert excerpt
Tab "License" (MIG)
Tab "License" (MIG)

In case to change the behavior of Migration4ArchiveLink regarding the dealing with errors, whether components shall be migrated by using chunks, generating and comparing hash values for the data transfered between the source and destination archive or other options regarding the archiving process itself, please make the necessary adjustments in this sections.The following settings can be made in this section:

Insert excerpt
Tab "Migration" (MIG)
Tab "Migration" (MIG)

Dealing with different time zones

When dealing with servers distributed around the globe, it's possible that urls might be marked as expired due to a difference in time zone. Please change the settings in this section if necessary.

Insert excerpt
Tab "Signature (MIG)
Tab "Signature (MIG)

Defining and Editing Datasources

Datasources define where and how KGS Migration4Archive shall look for documents to migrate as well as the target server to which the retrieved documents shall be archived.


Here you may either define a new datasource by clicking the "Add Datasource"-button, edit an existing datasource by clicking the "Edit"-button or delete an existing datasource by clicking the "Delete"-button as well as jump to the migration monitor.


Adding a new Datasource

In order to add a new datasource please click the "Add Datasource" button which opens the "Add/Update DataSource"-modal, with which you may define a new datasource.


Modal to add a datasource for an Online Miration

Modal to add a datasource for an Offline Migration


Adding a DataSource for an Online Migration


This feature is no longer available from version 3.2.6

To define a datasource for an online migration the "SAP System ID" and the "RFC Configuration" are mandatory. The "Migration Type" needs to be set to "Online Migration".


After clicking the "Add/Update"-button KGS Migration4ArchiveLink system will start to collect and download content repository related information from the specified SAP system.

Adding a DataSource for an Offline Migration

In order to define a datasource for an offline migration the parameters "SAP System ID", "Alias" as well as "Offline Repositories" are all mandatory parameters. The "Migration Type" needs to be set to "Offline Migration".

Parameterdefinitions for "Add Datasource"

Available in Migration Type





SAP System ID

Please enter die SAP System ID of your source system.


Please choose an alias for the data source definition.

Recommendation: Choose the content repository name of the source system as alias.

Migration Type


Defines the type of migration, that shall be performed in this migration,

Online Migration

Offline Migration

Online Migration

Offline Migration

Offline Repositories

Comma-separated repository list

Please enter the repository / -ies for which migrations shall be executed.

In case you wish to migrate more than one repository please provide the repositories as a comma-separated list.

e.g.: FI,B3,H4,TC

Online Migration

Select RFC Configuration


Please choose here the SAP-System/-s that have been defined in KGS SAP Connector

First entry in the list of SAP-systems in the SAP Connector

Editing an existing Datasource

By clicking the "Edit"-button, a defined datasource may be edited and parameters may be changed.


Please note that the "Migration Type" parameter may not be changed after the creation of a datasource.

Delete an existing Datasource

An existing datasource may be deleted by switching within the tab pane to the datasource and clicking the "Delete"-button.


Please note that a datasource might not be deletable after the migration process has been started.


Configuring an Online Migration


This feature is no longer available from version 3.2.6

Before starting a migration process, KGS Migration4ArchiveLink requires a set of parameters which describe the source and destination storage systems. In order to define, inspect or edit these parameters please use the -button.


Datatype information retrieved from repository 1D 


Configuring an Offline Migration

Before starting a migration process, KGS Migration4ArchiveLink requires a set of parameters which describe the source and destination storage systems. In order to define, inspect or edit these parameters please use the -button.


Three repositories defined for Offline Migration process


Starting and running a Migration

After configuring an online or offline migration you may start and define multiple migration runs per repository. This allows you to control which documents are being migrated and how many documents are being migrated for example during working hours.

Starting / Running the Online Migration process

KGS Migration4ArchiveLink allows you to either migrate the whole contents of the content repository or provide a list of documents which shall be migrated to the new archiving system.


Migration4ArchiveLink will process the file provided by you and create a migrationstep that includes only the documentIDs from that list.

Generating a DMIS File for the migration process

DMIS files may either be created by using a standard report offered by SAP or by creating a custom report comprised of standard SQL statements. By defining the document set yourself you may


SQL to get DMIS for Images

SQL to get DMIS for Print Lists

SQL to get DMIS for Data Objects

Code Block
select || ARCHIV_ID || ' ' || ARC_DOC_ID || ' ' || AR_DATE || 
from SAP<SID>.TOA01 
where ARCHIV_ID = <ContRepID>;

Code Block
select || ARCHIV_ID || ' ' || ARC_DOC_ID || ' ' || AR_DATE || 
from SAP<SID>.TOA02
where ARCHIV_ID = <ContRepID>;

Code Block
select || ARCHIV_ID || ' ' || ARC_DOC_ID || ' ' || AR_DATE || 
from SAP<SID>.TOA03 
where ARCHIV_ID = <ContRepID>;

Code Block
select || ARCHIV_ID || ' ' || ARC_DOC_ID || ' ' || AR_DATE || 
where ARCHIV_ID = <ContRepID>;

Code Block
select || ARCHIV_ID || ' ' || ARC_DOC_ID || ' ' || AR_DATE || 
where ARCHIV_ID = <ContRepID>;

Code Block
select || CREP || ' ' || ARCH_DOCID || ' ' || CREAT_DATE || 
where CREP = <ContRepID>;

Starting / Running the offline Migration process

In case you decided to setup an offline migration, Migration4ArchiveLink needs to get a list of documentIDs which shall be migrated.


Preview after a list of DocumentIDs to be migrated from content repository FI had been processed

Migration Monitoring

While a migration is running the Migration Monitor offers latest status information. Migration Monitor is being found under "Main → Migration4ArchiveLink → Migration Monitor".  On the left-hand side you'll find an overview of the repositories as well as the datatypes for which migration runs have been started. On the right-hand side you'll see detailed information about migration run selected.


In addition, it is possible to edit the selected content repository. To do so, use the edit button. A dialog box will pop up showing the current configuration data.


Caution: Changing the source or the destination parameters while a migration is running will lead to an incomplete migration! It is highly recommended not to change the HTTP Source or HTTP Destination section while a migration is running.

While a migration is running you are able to stop/start this run. You can also de-/increase the number of threads that are being used to migrate documents in parallel using the arrow buttons (left → decrease, right → increase).


Migration run with nine migration errors.

Errors and Duplicates in Migration runs

KGS Migration4ArchiveLink provides you with an overview of the migration runs executed against a source repository, which may help dealing with errors (i.e.: Missing files, etc.). Please find the "Errors/Duplicates"-overview under "Main → Migration4ArchiveLink → Errors/Duplicates"


Expanded errors overview for run against content repository MH

Performance Logging

KGS Migration4ArchiveLink is being shipped with a performance monitor which allows you to get an overview about the currently running miration processes. Please find the Performance monitor under "Main → Migration4ArchiveLink → Performance Log".


Performance overview of started migration process on repository MH


The log file configuration can be accessed through the OSGi configuration menu:
