Configuration using environment variables

Configuration using environment variables

As environment variables do not have any hierarchical order, the tia® Viewer parameters must be qualified completely:


Not all environments support the parameter name scheme for environment variables.

To convert a parameter name to an environment variable name follow these rules:

  • Replace dots (.) with underscores (_).

  • Remove any dashes (-).

  • Convert to uppercase.


Example for a docker-compose file with configuration using environment variables:

version: '3' services: tiaviewer: container_name: tiaviewer image: images.kgs-cloud.de/tia-viewer/archivelink-oidc:1.1.0 ports: - "8080:8080" environment: TIA_DESTINATIONS_SAPHTTP_HOST: contentservevr.kgs.local TIA_DESTINATIONS_SAPHTTP_PORT: 8090 TIA_INSTANCES_DEFAULT_SAP_URL: https://sapServer:50000/tia/tia_viewer?sap-client=250 TIA_INSTANCES_DEFAULT_SAP_USERNAME: secuser TIA_INSTANCES_DEFAULT_SAP_PASSWORD: s3cret volumes: - ./viewerlicense.json:/application/config/license/viewerlicense.json