Protocol Elastic Search (tC)

Protocol Elastic Search (tC)

Elastic logs are written in a single thread. Taking into account that it is not guaranteed that the execution is successful. Filing and further actions are possible independently, even if the ProtokolService is offline.

The configuration of the properties is done via:

<repo>.protocolservice.document.properties <repo>.protocolservice.container.properties

One index must be created per "action", the same index can be used each time:


These actions must be configured:

create, read, update, delete, info

The different indexes may have different retention periods.

If you want to ensure that the log is written, a fallback can be enabled. Then all entries are cached locally

Configuration parameters in repository.cfg, elastic

Configuration parameters in repository.cfg, elasticv2

Notes for Elastic 8

Starting with version 8. By default when starting the Elastic server Security and HTTPS is enabled. This may be useful, but for local testing it’s rather a hindrance.
It can be deactivated by editing the file: config/elasticsearch.yml, adding the following entries:


(Source citation: https://discuss.elastic.co/t/cannot-disable-security-in-8-1/299857 )