The Batch Transfers-menu allows you to list all so far done batch transfers, change the status of a specific batch transfer or delete a transfer completely. You may enter the batch transfer overview by clicking on the Batch Transfers-menu within the Administration-menu on the left-hand side. Highlighted “Batch Transfers”-icon within the “Administration”-menu. |
When clicking on that icon, you’ll be displayed an overview of all existing batch transfers as well as some additional information. Batch transfer overview. |
The batch transfer overview will present you the following information. Column name | Description |
Id | A unique Id of a transfer that was exported using the KGS Scanserver-Exporter within KGS Scan. | Queue Name | The name of the queue which was used within this transfer. | Batch Name | The name of the locally created batch before the actual transfer. | Batch User | The username of the LDAP account, who has scanned and exported the batch. | Batch Date | The timestamp of the scanned batch. | Docs | The number of documents that had been transferred. | Transfer Start | The timestamp, when the transfer had been started. | Transfer End | The timestamp, when the transfer was completed. | IP | The IP v4 address of the PC from which the transfer has been started. | Status | The current status of the transfer. The following values are possible: | Actions | Within the Actions-column you’ll see the following three symbols. Pencil: Clicking this button will open the Transfer ID n-modal, which allows you to change the status of a batch transfer. Garbage bin: Clicking this button will allow you to remove a batch transfer.
Please note: Clicking on the Garbage bin-symbol will remove the batch transfer without further warning and cannot be undone! |
Circling arrows: Clicking this button will open the Rerun Processes-modal, which allows you to reset the current status whicch has the following effect: * The current status of this batch transfer is being reset * OCR is being done again(Optical Character Recognition - currently only supported, when KGS ScanServer is being deployed within a Windows environment) * The batch is being copied to the queue’s destination * Ant-scripts (if available) are being executed.